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[英]C# Using .Contains on a RadComboboxItem searching for a string

Currently I am trying to create some cascading combo boxes. 目前,我正在尝试创建一些级联的组合框。 The program has 4 RadComboBoxes (telerik control). 该程序有4个RadComboBoxes(telerik控件)。 I place the default data into dropdowns and all is good. 我将默认数据放入下拉列表,一切都很好。 I can multi-select from these boxes. 我可以从这些框中进行多重选择。 When I select values from box 1 it should filter the choices in box 2. 当我从方框1中选择值时,它应该过滤方框2中的选择。

protected void rcbProgram_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
        rcbPartGroup.DataSource = db.tblPartStyles.Where(c=>rcbProgram.CheckedItems.Contains(c.Program)).Select(c => c.PartGroup);


I want rcbPartGroup's datasource to be the PartGroup field of tblPartStyles where the Program field is in rcbProgram's checked list. 我希望rcbPartGroup的数据源是tblPartStyles的PartGroup字段,其中Program字段位于rcbProgram的已选中列表中。 This would work fine, but rcbProgram.CheckedList is a List and will not compare with a string (The program field value). 这可以正常工作,但是rcbProgram.CheckedList是一个List,并且不会与字符串(程序字段值)进行比较。 I am still having a difficult time wrapping my head around how this would work if both are strings, but now I have 2 different types that I cannot manage to convert. 我仍然很难理解如果两个都是字符串,这将如何工作,但是现在我有两种无法转换的不同类型。 Anyone have anything they know that I can do to make this work? 有人知道我可以做些什么吗?

I was a bit confused by the lambda statement at first. 起初我对lambda语句感到有些困惑。 I did a simple fix. 我做了一个简单的修复。 I created a list of strings and ran through a foreach to add the values in the CheckedItems list. 我创建了一个字符串列表,并运行了一个foreach以将值添加到CheckedItems列表中。 I then used the string list to perform the lambda filter. 然后,我使用字符串列表执行了lambda过滤器。

 protected void rcbProgram_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
        **List<String> _selectedItems = new List<String>();
        foreach (RadComboBoxItem i in rcbProgram.CheckedItems)

        rcbPartGroup.DataSource = db.tblPartStyles.Where(c=>_selectedItems.Contains(c.Program)).Select(c => c.PartGroup).Distinct();


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