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[英]How to config Android emulator to connect to internet

I've been struggling with how to config my Android emulator to connect to the Internet, and of course I tried a lot of solutions such as disable the LAN card or add dns server, http proxy in eclipse, etc... 我一直在努力配置Android模拟器以连接到Internet,当然,我尝试了很多解决方案,例如禁用LAN card或添加dns服务器,eclipse中的http proxy等。

Unfortunately, those solutions seem to work very well for lots of people but not for me. 不幸的是,这些解决方案对于很多人来说似乎效果很好,但对我而言却不是。

Finally I found the right solution which is easy to understand, easy to do and works well. 最终,我找到了易于理解,易于执行且效果良好的正确解决方案。

Reason: The reason that your PC can connect to internet but your emulator can't is that emulator's default DNS server is [] which is different from the real one you are currently using. 原因:您的PC可以连接到Internet但仿真器无法连接的原因是,该仿真器的默认DNS服务器为[],与当前使用的真实DNS服务器不同。

Steps: 1. 'CMD->ipconfig /all' to get real DNS server eg 2. 'CMD->adb shell->getprop' to get emulator's DNS info as following [net.dns1]:[] 2. 'CMD->adb shell->setprop net.dns1' to set DNS server 步骤:1.'CMD-> ipconfig / all'获得真实的DNS服务器,例如192.168.1.1 2.'CMD-> adb shell-> getprop'获得仿真器的DNS信息,如下[net.dns1]:[] ] 2.'CMD-> adb shell-> setprop net.dns1'设置DNS服务器

note. 注意。 if adb shell is not recognized as a valid command, try set ANDROID_HOME and path 如果adb shell无法识别为有效命令,请尝试设置ANDROID_HOME和path

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