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[英]C#, Generics, Type and NHibernate

I'm learning the power of generics in C# in conjunction with NHibernate. 我正在与NHibernate一起学习C#中泛型的功能。 I'd like to attempt the following in the pasted code. 我想在粘贴的代码中尝试以下操作。

In an attempt to do some post processing of N number of NHibernate objects I worked on a utility method leveraging generics to make it applicable to all NHibernate mapping classes we use now, or in the future. 为了对N个NHibernate对象进行一些后期处理,我尝试了一种利用泛型的实用程序方法,使其适用于我们现在或将来使用的所有NHibernate映射类。 It works but I need to hard code each call for each mapping class. 它可以工作,但是我需要对每个映射类的每个调用进行硬编码。 This is a pain and will need continuing updating as our schema and mappings change over time. 这是一个痛苦,随着我们的架构和映射会随着时间的推移而不断变化,需要不断进行更新。

I do have an ever up-to-date list of all mapping classes by string name through the NHibernate mappings I generate on the fly. 我确实通过动态生成的NHibernate映射按字符串名称提供了所有映射类的最新列表。 If there was a way to use this list of string names to call my generics based method, I'd be super happy. 如果有一种方法可以使用此字符串名称列表来调用基于泛型的方法,我会非常高兴。

Can anyone tell me if this is possible? 谁能告诉我这是否可能? Do I need to find another route? 我需要寻找其他路线吗?

Thanks so much in advance!!! 提前非常感谢!!!

    public static void ProcessSomeItems()
        // *************************************************************
        // As of now I have to list all classes as such to be processed
        // It works but I have to update manually when new mapping classes are created
        // *************************************************************
        // and so forth...

        // I have a up-to-date list of all mappings from "HbmMapping" and can get a list of all in the 
        // list form as below
        List<string> mappingNames = new List<string>();

        foreach (string mappingName in mappingNames)
            Type theType = Type.GetType(mappingName);

            // I know I'm getting Types and Generics classes and so forth all jumbled but
            // how in the heck would I do something like the below?

            NHibDoSomethingUtil<theType>(); // Obviously doesn't compile ;-)

    // Generic method
    public static void NHibDoSomethingUtil<T>() where T : class
        using (ISession session = sourceDBSessionFactory.OpenSession())
            foreach (dynamic item in new List<T>(session.QueryOver<T>().List()))
                // Process item;

ecsousa gave great input and I was able to accomplish what I needed with something like the following. ecsousa做出了很大的贡献,我能够用下面的东西来完成我所需要的。

        foreach (HbmClass mappingClass in mapping.Items)
            Console.WriteLine(" -- Discovered Mapping: " + mappingClass.Name);

            Type mappingClassType = Type.GetType(mappingClass.Name);

            var genericMethod = typeof(Migration).GetMethod("NHibDoSomethingUtil");
            var method = genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(mappingClassType);

            method.Invoke(null, null);


You will need to use Reflection in order to accomplish this. 您将需要使用反射来完成此操作。 Instead of directly calling NHibDoSomethingUtil, try this: 代替直接调用NHibDoSomethingUtil,请尝试以下操作:

var genericMethod = typeof(TheClassName).GetMethod("NHibDoSomethingUtil");
var method = genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(theType);

method.Invoke(null, null);

Note that you have to replace TheClassName by the class containing both methods. 请注意,您必须用包含两个方法的类替换TheClassName

Keep in mind the this kind of code is slow, and you should use it very carefully. 请记住,这种代码很慢,您应该非常小心地使用它。

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