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[英]Create dashboard automatically using file-system in Kibana4

In Kibana-3x, I was copying the .json file to <kibana>/app/dashboards directory directly, so that it was building the dashboard automatically. 在Kibana-3x中,我将<kibana>/app/dashboards文件直接复制到<kibana>/app/dashboards目录,以便它可以自动构建仪表板。 How I will achieve the same in Kibana 4.1.0? 我将如何在Kibana 4.1.0中实现相同目标?

have a number of auto-generated dashboards that I need to "upload" to Kibana. 有很多我需要“上传”到Kibana的自动生成的仪表板。 The preferred means of uploading is to drop the .json into the app/dashboards directory. 上载的首选方法是将.json拖放到app / dashboards目录中。 Would that be possible with Kibana-4.1.0? 使用Kibana-4.1.0可以做到吗?

You question is indeed similar to this Kibana4 GitHub issue (now entitled "enhancement" request). 您提出的问题确实类似于此Kibana4 GitHub问题 (现在称为“增强”请求)。 The request in that issue is about using javascripts whereas you want to do it using json. 该问题中的请求是关于使用javascript的,而您想使用json进行。 I haven't tried uploading a dashboard this way since I got introduced to Kibana directly in the 4.x version but I'm afraid that you cannot do this at all in 4.x as of now. 自从我在4.x版本中直接将其引入Kibana以来,我还没有尝试过以这种方式上载仪表板,但是恐怕到目前为止,您根本无法在4.x中执行此操作。

EDIT: I found this SO question that addresses something on Kibana Dashboard json files. 编辑:我发现这个SO问题 ,解决了Kibana仪表板json文件上的某些内容。 You might want to check that out, maybe? 您可能想检查一下,也许吗?

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