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[英]Getting Error in Importing json file in Kibana4

When I am importing the json file containing dashboard and the visualization to Kibana 4 I am getting following error: 当我将包含仪表板和可视化的json文件导入Kibana 4时,出现以下错误:

Saved Objects: Cannot read property 'byName' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'byName' of undefined
    at FieldAggParamFactory.FieldAggParam.deserialize (http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:84771:53)
    at http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:90104:29
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at AggConfigFactory.AggConfig.fillDefaults (http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:90082:28)
    at new AggConfig (http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:89996:13)
    at http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:90695:19
    at Array.map (native)
    at new AggConfigs (http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:90693:35)
    at VisFactory.Vis.setState (http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:84236:20)
    at SavedVis._updateVis (http://stciperf:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=9732:92582:17) 

But importing the same json file for second time works fine and I am able to see my dashboard. 但是第二次导入相同的json文件效果很好,我可以看到仪表板。 Kindly suggests few points. 请提出几点。

Not sure if you got the solution ,Check if your index has more than ~5K fields in it? 不确定是否找到了解决方案,请检查索引中是否有超过5K的字段? There is a current bug in Kibana 4.x where excessive fields in an index results in this error. Kibana 4.x当前存在一个错误,其中索引中过多的字段会导致此错误。

Bug tracking on github is here github上的错误跟踪在这里

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