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[英]Add nodes to kubernetes cluster on AWS?

I initially setup a cluster with the kube-up.sh utility on AWS. 我最初在AWS上使用kube-up.sh实用程序设置了一个集群。 Now I ran out of capacity and I'm looking for a simple way to extend my cluster with more nodes. 现在我用完了容量,我正在寻找一种简单的方法来扩展我的集群,增加更多节点。

Is there a 'simple' way to add more nodes to a running cluster on AWS? 是否有一种“简单”的方法可以在AWS上向正在运行的集群添加更多节点? I've been reading all the docs but cannot seem to find a way. 我一直在阅读所有的文档,但似乎无法找到方法。

Thanks! 谢谢!

If you used kube-up, your minions should be launched into an auto-scaling group, and you should just be able to change the size of that auto-scaling group. 如果你使用了kube-up,你的小兵应该被启动到一个自动缩放组,你应该只能改变那个自动缩放组的大小。

This question is a few months old, so I'm not sure whether this was the case back in July, but it should definitely be the case now. 这个问题已经有几个月了,所以我不确定7月份是否会出现这种情况,但现在肯定应该如此。

I'm also working on launching the master into an auto-scaling group, so that if the master dies it is automatically restated, but that is a little more complicated because of the persistent disk. 我也正在努力将主服务器启动到一个自动扩展组中,这样如果主服务器死了,它会自动重新调整,但由于持久性磁盘,这有点复杂。 But hopefully I'll make 1.1! 但希望我能成为1.1!

It's not "simple", but if you clone the set up on one of your nodes, it will automatically register itself with the master. 它不是“简单”,但如果您在其中一个节点上克隆设置,它将自动向主节点注册。

Basically you need to clone the kubelet configuration and authorization tokens. 基本上你需要克隆kubelet配置和授权令牌。

You will also need to set up advanced networking to route packets to the subnet of the node. 您还需要设置高级网络以将数据包路由到节点的子网。 Again, if you look at the config of an existing node, you should be able to emulate what needs to happen. 同样,如果查看现有节点的配置,您应该能够模拟需要发生的事情。

This is one of the places where Google Container Engine makes things easier, scaling is integrated into the console experience. 这是Google容器引擎使事情变得更轻松的地方之一,缩放功能已集成到控制台体验中。

Eventually someone may support Amazon autoscaling groups, but for now this sort of thing is definitely better supported on the Google Cloud Platform. 最终有人可能会支持亚马逊自动缩放组,但目前这种情况肯定会更好地支持Google云端平台。

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