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[英]Autoscaling AWS nodes in a kubernetes cluster

I've found a few posts on a similar topic, but wanted to clarify: 我发现了一些类似主题的文章,但想澄清一下:

If I am running Kubernetes in AWS (natively, eg by deploying with Kops), is there any mechanism that can deploy additional nodes to the AWS node ASG to cater for resource requirements? 如果我在AWS中运行Kubernetes(本机上,例如通过Kops部署),是否有任何机制可以将其他节点部署到AWS节点ASG中以满足资源需求?

For example, if I deploy a 2 worker node cluster (ASG) that has a total of 8gb of memory, and I create a few kubernetes deployments onto the cluster, where memory requirements become greater than 8gb, is there a mechanism that will abstractly scale the underlying ASG to provide the required resources with me needing to manually increase the size of the ASG? 例如,如果我部署了一个2个工作节点群集(ASG),总共有8gb的内存,并且我在该群集上创建了一些kubernetes部署,其中内存需求大于8gb,是否有一种机制可以抽象地扩展基础的ASG提供所需的资源,而我需要手动增加ASG的大小?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Have you tried the kubernetes autoscaler project ? 您是否尝试过kubernetes autoscaler项目

It is AWS compatible so it should answer your requirements 它与AWS兼容,因此可以满足您的要求

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