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在Unity中,当我尝试构建apk时出现此错误。 我该如何解决?

[英]In Unity when i try to build apk i have got this error. How can i solve this?

Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. 构建Player时出错:CommandInvokationFailure:无法重新打包资源。 See the Console for details. 有关详细信息,请参见控制台。 F:\\Software\\SDK\\ALL - SDK\\build-tools\\21.1.1\\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S "res" -I "F:/Software/SDK/ALL - SDK/platforms/android-21\\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_ --extra-packages com.google.android.gms:com.nextpeer.android -S "F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\google-play-services_lib\\res" -S "F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res" F:\\ Software \\ SDK \\ ALL-SDK \\ build-tools \\ 21.1.1 \\ aapt.exe软件包--auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S“ res”-我“ F:/软件/ SDK / ALL-SDK /平台/android-21\\android.jar” -F bin / resources.ap_ --extra-packages com.google.android.gms:com.nextpeer.android -S “ F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ google-play-services_lib \\ res” -S“ F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res”

stderr[ F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-ldpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-mdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-hdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-xhdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-mdpi\\ stderr [F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06- 15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-ldpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android -libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-mdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-hdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-xhdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png :libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-mdpi \\ np__ic_current_matches_on_going_time_left.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-hdpi\\np__ic_current_matches_on_going_time_left.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-xhdpi\\np__ic_current_matches_on_going_time_left.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StaginF:\\gXSAqrea\\uaanrder0o4i-d-0l6i-b1r5\\aTreimeps\\SNtaegxtipneegrA\\rreesa\\daranwdarbloe-ihd-dlpii\\nbpr__airci_esc\\urNreenxtptee_mrat\\chreess_r\\darnakw_arbiblboe-mn_dflpai\\gnp___bilcu_e.curpnrge:n tl_imbpantg cwahersn_irnagn:k riibCbConP :f laNgo_tb lruee.cponggn:i zliinbgp kngn owwn saRrGBn ipnrgo:f ilei CthCaPt: h asN obte erne ceodgintiezdi ng known sRGB profile that has been edited np__ic_current_matches_on_going_time_left.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-hdpi \\ np__ic_current_matches_on_going_time: iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-xhdpi \\ np__ic_current_matches_on_going_time_left.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已知的sRGB配置文件已被编辑的文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StaginF:\\ gXSAqrea \\ uaanrder0o4i-d-0l6i-b1r5 \\ aTreimeps \\ SNtaegxtipneegrA \\ rreesa \\ daranwdarbloe-ihd-dlpii \\ nbpr__airci_rat_e \\ b \\ ew \\ a_x_e \\ b \\ r \\ a_e_ch \\ e \\ b \\ r \\ n_c gnp ___ bilcu_e.curpnrge:n tl_imbpantg cwahersn_irnagn:k riibCbConP :f laNgo_tb lruee.cponggn:i zliinbgp kngn owwn saRrGBn ipnrgo:f ilei CthCaPt:h asN obte

stderr[ F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-ldpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-mdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-hdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-xhdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited stderr [F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06- 15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-ldpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android -libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-mdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-hdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-xhdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png :libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件

stderr[ F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-ldpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-mdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-hdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited F:\\XSquare04-06-15\\Temp\\StagingArea\\android-libraries\\Nextpeer\\res\\drawable-xhdpi\\np__facebook_close.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited stderr [F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06- 15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-ldpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android -libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-mdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-hdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png:libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件F:\\ XSquare04-06-15 \\ Temp \\ StagingArea \\ android-libraries \\ Nextpeer \\ res \\ drawable-xhdpi \\ np__facebook_close.png :libpng警告:iCCP:无法识别已编辑的已知sRGB配置文件

That's a common Unity issue/bug at the "import custom package" function. 这是“导入自定义包”功能中常见的Unity问题/错误。 Just clean your plugin folder and then import the plugins again. 只需清理您的插件文件夹,然后再次导入插件即可。 Some times the import custom package function adds the file and not overwrite it. 有时导入自定义包功能会添加文件而不是将其覆盖。 Causing a duplicating. 造成重复。

are there multiple menifest files in your project? 您的项目中有多个清单文件吗? if so then asking same permission in many manifest files causes problem. 如果是这样,那么在许多清单文件中要求相同的权限会导致问题。 And if you have multiple android-support files then remove duplicate ones except only -v4. 并且,如果您有多个android-support文件,请删除除-v4以外的重复文件。 hope this will resolve the issue. 希望这能解决问题。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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