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[英]AngularJS : watch/observe attribute change

i want to update the attribute of an element via it's id and have the element react to this change. 我想通过它的id更新元素的属性,并让元素对此更改做出反应。

I tried to create a plunkr to reflect my situation, but there i can't seem to get even ng-click to work. 我试图创建一个plunkr来反映我的情况,但我似乎无法让ng-click工作。

However, what i want to do is call a function that does the following 但是,我想要做的是调用执行以下操作的函数

var cell = angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + cellName));
cell.attr('card-id', id);

Which seems to work, according to the values i can read out again directly after these lines. 这似乎有效,根据我可以在这些线之后直接读出的值。

the receiving element looks like this: 接收元素如下所示:

deckbuilderApp.directive('card', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        templateUrl: 'tpl/deckCard.tpl.html',
        scope: {
            cardId: '=cardId'
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            attrs.$observe('cardId', function(newId) {
                console.log('observe cardId: new Value: ' + newId);
                console.log('observe cardId: id: ' + scope.id + ' scope:' + scope);
            scope.$watch('cardId', function(oldValue, newValue) {
                console.log('$watch cardId: ' + oldValue + ' -> ' + newValue);
            attrs.$observe(function() { return attrs.cardId }, function(newId) {
                console.log('ssssobserve card-id: new Value: ' + newId);
                console.log('sssssobserve card-id: id: ' + scope.id + ' scope:' + scope);
            scope.$watch(function() { return attrs.cardId }, function(oldValue, newValue) {
                console.log('sssssssssss$watch card-id: ' + oldValue + ' -> ' + newValue);
            console.log('linked card directive');

the watch and observer functions (with the exception of 'ssssobserver') get called on intialization when i set the values via ng-repeat. 当我通过ng-repeat设置值时,手表和观察者函数(“ssssobserver”除外)会被初始化调用。

Subsequent changes to the card-id attribute do not trigger the watch or observer code. 对card-id属性的后续更改不会触发监视或观察者代码。

What do I need to do to get this working? 为了让这个工作,我需要做什么?

There are lots of things going on here that prevent this from working. 这里有很多事情阻止这种情况发生。 The main advice I'd give is to learn the habits of Angular better (perhaps a few more tutorials) and to stamp jQuery's way of doing things out of your mind. 我给出的主要建议是更好地学习Angular的习惯(可能还有一些教程),并记下jQuery的做法。 Angular gives you a path to do almost everything through the javascript, so if you find yourself manipulating DOM elements, take a step back and try something different. Angular为您提供了通过javascript执行几乎所有操作的路径,因此如果您发现自己正在操纵DOM元素,请退后一步尝试不同的东西。

The most obvious improvement would be to use Angular's built-in messaging tools rather than try to roll your own through manipulating the DOM. 最明显的改进是使用Angular的内置消息传递工具,而不是试图通过操纵DOM来实现自己的工作。 Angular provides $rootScope.$on , $rootScope.$broadcast , and $rootScope.emit for these purposes. 为了这些目的,Angular提供$rootScope.$on$rootScope.$broadcast$rootScope.emit

There is also the notion of 2-way binding, which is not possible with replacement as you've attempted in your plunkr. 还有双向绑定的概念,如你在plunkr中所尝试的那样,这是不可能的替换。 I've forked another one and got it working, so have a look and see how you could be doing it differently. 我已经分叉了另一个,并让它工作,所以看看,看看你可以做不同的方式。

http://plnkr.co/edit/eqZQ0iptzKAInEYxEyLp?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/eqZQ0iptzKAInEYxEyLp?p=preview

This is by no means "ideal" code -- just functional. 这绝不是“理想的”代码 - 只是功能性的。 Keep striving to learn the toolset and you'll be just fine. 继续努力学习工具集,你会很好。

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