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AngularJS : watch/observe attribute change

i want to update the attribute of an element via it's id and have the element react to this change.

I tried to create a plunkr to reflect my situation, but there i can't seem to get even ng-click to work.

However, what i want to do is call a function that does the following

var cell = angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + cellName));
cell.attr('card-id', id);

Which seems to work, according to the values i can read out again directly after these lines.

the receiving element looks like this:

deckbuilderApp.directive('card', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        templateUrl: 'tpl/deckCard.tpl.html',
        scope: {
            cardId: '=cardId'
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            attrs.$observe('cardId', function(newId) {
                console.log('observe cardId: new Value: ' + newId);
                console.log('observe cardId: id: ' + scope.id + ' scope:' + scope);
            scope.$watch('cardId', function(oldValue, newValue) {
                console.log('$watch cardId: ' + oldValue + ' -> ' + newValue);
            attrs.$observe(function() { return attrs.cardId }, function(newId) {
                console.log('ssssobserve card-id: new Value: ' + newId);
                console.log('sssssobserve card-id: id: ' + scope.id + ' scope:' + scope);
            scope.$watch(function() { return attrs.cardId }, function(oldValue, newValue) {
                console.log('sssssssssss$watch card-id: ' + oldValue + ' -> ' + newValue);
            console.log('linked card directive');

the watch and observer functions (with the exception of 'ssssobserver') get called on intialization when i set the values via ng-repeat.

Subsequent changes to the card-id attribute do not trigger the watch or observer code.

What do I need to do to get this working?

There are lots of things going on here that prevent this from working. The main advice I'd give is to learn the habits of Angular better (perhaps a few more tutorials) and to stamp jQuery's way of doing things out of your mind. Angular gives you a path to do almost everything through the javascript, so if you find yourself manipulating DOM elements, take a step back and try something different.

The most obvious improvement would be to use Angular's built-in messaging tools rather than try to roll your own through manipulating the DOM. Angular provides $rootScope.$on , $rootScope.$broadcast , and $rootScope.emit for these purposes.

There is also the notion of 2-way binding, which is not possible with replacement as you've attempted in your plunkr. I've forked another one and got it working, so have a look and see how you could be doing it differently.


This is by no means "ideal" code -- just functional. Keep striving to learn the toolset and you'll be just fine.

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