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从 Pandas groupby 对象中选择多个组

[英]Select multiple groups from pandas groupby object

I am experimenting with the groupby features of pandas, in particular我正在试验熊猫的 groupby 功能,特别是

gb = df.groupby('model')

Since gb has 50 groups the result is quite cluttered, I would like to explore the result only for the first 5 groups.由于 gb 有 50 个组,结果非常混乱,我只想探索前 5 个组的结果。

I found how to select a single group with groups or get_group ( How to access pandas groupby dataframe by key ), but not how to select multiple groups directly.我找到了如何使用groupsget_group选择单个组(如何通过键访问熊猫 groupby 数据get_group ),但没有找到如何直接选择多个组。 The best I could do is :我能做的最好的是:

groups = dict(list(gb))
subgroup = pd.concat(groups.values()[:4])

Is there a more direct way?有没有更直接的方法?

It'd be easier to just filter your df first and then perform the groupby :首先过滤 df 然后执行groupby会更容易:

In [155]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'model':np.random.randint(1,10,100), 'value':np.random.randn(100)})
first_five = df['model'].sort(inplace=False).unique()[:5]
gp = df[df['model'].isin(first_five)].groupby('model')
1     -0.505677
2      1.217027
3     -0.641583
4      0.778104
5     -1.037858

You can do something like你可以做类似的事情

new_gb = pandas.concat( [ gb.get_group(group) for i,group in enumerate( gb.groups) if i < 5 ] ).groupby('model')    

Although, I would approach it differently.虽然,我会以不同的方式处理它。 You can use the collections.Counter object to get groups fast:您可以使用collections.Counter对象快速获取组:

import collections

df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict({'model': pandas.np.random.randint(0, 3, 10), 'param1': pandas.np.random.random(10), 'param2':pandas.np.random.random(10)})
#   model    param1    param2
#0      2  0.252379  0.985290
#1      1  0.059338  0.225166
#2      0  0.187259  0.808899
#3      2  0.773946  0.696001
#4      1  0.680231  0.271874
#5      2  0.054969  0.328743
#6      0  0.734828  0.273234
#7      0  0.776684  0.661741
#8      2  0.098836  0.013047
#9      1  0.228801  0.827378
model_groups = collections.Counter(df.model)
print(model_groups) #Counter({2: 4, 0: 3, 1: 3})

Now you can iterate over the Counter object like a dictionary, and query the groups you want:现在您可以像字典一样遍历Counter对象,并查询您想要的组:

new_df = pandas.concat( [df.query('model==%d'%key) for key,val in model_groups.items() if val < 4 ] ) # for example, but you can select the models however you like  
#   model    param1    param2
#2      0  0.187259  0.808899
#6      0  0.734828  0.273234
#7      0  0.776684  0.661741
#1      1  0.059338  0.225166
#4      1  0.680231  0.271874
#9      1  0.228801  0.827378

Now you can use the built-in pandas.DataFrame.groupby function现在您可以使用内置的pandas.DataFrame.groupby函数

gb = new_df.groupby('model')

Since model_groups contains all of the groups, you can just pick from it as you wish.由于model_groups包含所有组,您可以根据需要从中选择。


If your model column contains string values (names or something) instead of integers, it will all work the same - just change the query argument from 'model==%d'%key to 'model=="%s"'%key .如果您的model列包含字符串值(名称或其他内容)而不是整数,则它的工作方式都相同 - 只需将查询参数从'model==%d'%key更改为'model=="%s"'%key .

I don't know of a way to use the .get_group() method with more than one group.我不知道有什么方法可以将.get_group()方法用于多个组。

You can however iterate through groups但是,您可以遍历组

It is still a bit ugly to do this, but here is one solution with iteration:这样做仍然有点难看,但这是一个迭代的解决方案:

limit = 5
i = 0
for key, group in gd:
    print key, group
    i += 1
    if i >= limit:

You could also do a loop with .get_group() , which imho.你也可以用.get_group()做一个循环,恕我直言。 is a little prettier, but still quite ugly.有点漂亮,但仍然很丑。

for key in gd.groups.keys()[:2]:
    print gd.get_group(key)
dfidx=np.sort(np.concatenate([gb.indices[x] for x in gbidx]))

gb.indices is faster than gb.groups or list(gb) gb.indices 比 gb.groups 或 list(gb) 快

and I believe concat Index is faster than concat DataFrames我相信 concat Index 比 concat DataFrames 快

I've tried on my big csv file of ~416M rows 13 cols (incl. str) and 720MB in size, and groupby by more than one col我已经尝试过我的 ~416M 行 13 列(包括 str)和 720MB 大小的大 csv 文件,并且通过多个列进行分组

then changed col names into those in the Question然后将 col 名称更改为问题中的名称

def get_groups(group_object):
    for i in group_object.groups.keys():

#get all groups by calling this method 

get_groups( any_group_which_you_made )

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