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Pandas 元数据属性未传递给 Groupby 的组 Object

[英]Pandas Metadata Properties Not Passed to Groups of a Groupby Object

Suppose I have假设我有

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3], 'B': [1,2,1]})
df._metadata += "name"
df.name = "The Name"

groups = df.groupby(by="B")
for id, group in groups:

The print function will throw an AttributeError . print function 将抛出AttributeError

Now, I would need to somehow pass the metadata to each individual group.现在,我需要以某种方式将元数据传递给每个单独的组。 How can this be done?如何才能做到这一点?

You should use this notation ( df['COLNAME'] = 'VALUE' ) to add new columns:您应该使用此表示法 ( df['COLNAME'] = 'VALUE' ) 添加新列:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3], 'B': [1,2,1]})
df['_metadata'] = "name"
df['name'] = "The Name"

groups = df.groupby(by="B")
for id, group in groups:

Output: Output:

0    The Name
2    The Name
Name: name, dtype: object
1    The Name
Name: name, dtype: object

You could still access it from df , no?您仍然可以从df访问它,不是吗?

# ...
for id, group in groups:

You could also then assign to each group if you need to do that for whatever reason:如果出于任何原因需要这样做,您也可以分配给每个组:

# ...
for id, group in groups:
    group.name = df.name

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