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[英]Smoothing 3D surface in Matlab

I am struggling with optimization of displayed 3D object. 我正在努力优化显示的3D对象。 What I want to achieve is to make a 3D spectrogram of an audio file. 我要实现的是制作音频文件的3D频谱图。 What's more I want to have it black and white and nice looking. 更重要的是,我希望它具有黑色和白色外观。 What does nice looking means - something like this: 好看的意思是什么-像这样: 在此处输入图片说明

This is just sample image - I am aware that spectrogram won't look like that 这只是示例图片-我知道频谱图看起来不会像那样

This is the code used for generating surface with reduced number of faces: 这是用于生成面数减少的曲面的代码:

[s f t]= spectrogram(y(:,1),256,100,256,fs);
clear y

rskip = round(linspace(1,size(Z,1),80));
cskip = round(linspace(1,size(Z,2),64));
hold on
hold off
view(-65.5, 28);

The main problem with this audio file and reason why I am using reduced number of faces is the size of X,Y,Z arrays - all are 129 by 269065. My PC has 8GB of RAM and around 1GB is used by other applications (including OS) that is leaving around 6-7 GB for Matlab. 此音频文件的主要问题以及我使用的面孔数量减少的原因是X,Y,Z数组的大小-到269065时均为129。我的电脑有8GB的RAM,大约1GB的内存被其他应用程序使用(包括操作系统)为Matlab留下了6-7 GB的空间。

This is the image that is created after code run: 这是在代码运行后创建的图像: 在此处输入图片说明

Can someone advice me how I can make it look smoother? 有人可以建议我如何使它看起来更平滑吗? Like the sample image. 像样本图片一样。

If its purely for aesthetic reasons, a quick an dirty way to get a smoother image is to apply a gaussian filter to the power matrix returned from the spectrogram function. 如果纯粹出于美学原因,一种获取较平滑图像的快速肮脏方法是对频谱图函数返回的功率矩阵应用高斯滤波器。


[file,path] = uigetfile('*.wav');  % use GUI to select file
[y,fs,~] = wavread([path file]);

[p,f,t] = spectrogram(y(:,1),256,100,256,fs);
% Create the gaussian filter with hsize = [5 5] and sigma = 2
G = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],2);
% Apply gaussian filter to the dB values
pBlur = imfilter(real(10*log10(p)),G,'same');

%# Show resulting spectograms (Filtered on top, origional on bottom)
imagesc([pBlur; real(10*log10(p))]);
colormap jet;

You can change the hsize and the sigma to adjust the blur properties. 您可以更改hsizesigma来调整模糊属性。


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