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Play Framework / Scala:抽象存储库和Json de / serialization

[英]Play Framework / Scala: abstract repository and Json de/serialization

This question is maybe more about Scala than Play, but here it is: I am trying to achieve an abstraction of a repository for common DB operations. 这个问题可能与Scala有关,而不仅仅是Play,但问题在于:我正在尝试为常见的DB操作实现存储库的抽象。

trait Entity {
  def id: UUID

trait Repository[T <: Entity] {

  val JSON_KEY_ID = "_id"

  def collection: JSONCollection

  def insert(t: T): Future[Either[String, T]] = {
    collection.insert(t).map(wr => if (wr.ok) Right(t) else Left(wr.getMessage()))
      .recover { case t => Left(t.getMessage) }

   def update(t: T): Future[Either[String, T]] = {
    val selector = Json.obj(JSON_KEY_ID -> t.id.toString)
    collection.update(selector, t).map(wr => if (wr.ok) Right(t) else Left(wr.getMessage()))
      .recover { case t => Left(t.getMessage) }

Then I have the objects I would like to use this with: 然后,我有想要与之配合使用的对象:

case class UserDAO(id: UUID) extends Entity[UserDAO]

object UserDAO {
  val JSON_KEY_ID = "_id"

  implicit val userDaoWrites: OWrites[UserDAO] = new OWrites[UserDAO] {
    def writes(user: UserDAO): JsObject = Json.obj(
      JSON_KEY_ID -> JsString(user.id.toString)

  implicit val userDaoReads: Reads[UserDAO] = (
    (__ \ JSON_KEY_ID).read[UUID]
    )(UserDAO.apply _)

and then I define its repository like this: 然后像这样定义它的存储库:

class UserRepository @Inject()(val reactiveMongoApi: ReactiveMongoApi) extends Repository[UserDAO] {
  val db = reactiveMongoApi.db
  override def collection: JSONCollection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("users")

The error I get is 我得到的错误是

No Json serializer as JsObject found for type T. Try to implement an implicit OWrites or OFormat for this type.
collection.insert(t).map(wr => if (wr.ok) Right(t) else Left(wr.getMessage()))

I tried to provide implicit OWrites[T] , or even implicit OWrites[_] to no avail. 我试图提供implicit OWrites[T] ,甚至提供implicit OWrites[T] implicit OWrites[_]无济于事。 Maybe what I am trying to achieve is impossible. 也许我想要实现的目标是不可能的。 If not, how could I solve this? 如果没有,我该如何解决? Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

You should be able to just use a context bound. 您应该能够只使用上下文绑定。

trait Entity {
  def id: UUID

class Repository[T <: Entity : Writes] {

That will ensure that if there exists an implicit Writes[T] in scope, it will be available for your insert and update functions. 这将确保如果作用域中存在隐式的Writes[T] ,它将可用于您的插入和更新功能。

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