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Django - 一个模型不能有多个 AutoField

[英]Django - A model can't have more than one AutoField

This problem randomly started appearing for me.这个问题随机开始出现在我身上。 I know that Django generates its own ids but a lot my code has been using custom AutoFields which HAS been working.我知道 Django 会生成自己的 id,但我的很多代码一直在使用一直在工作的自定义 AutoFields。 I added a new class today and tried to makemigrations but this error keeps showing up.我今天添加了一个新课程并尝试进行迁移,但此错误不断出现。

I DID remove all instances of AutoFields and retried migrating but the problem still persists which leads me to believe it's something else... I don't believe my Django version has changed at all...我确实删除了 AutoFields 的所有实例并重试迁移,但问题仍然存在,这让我相信这是别的东西......我不相信我的 Django 版本根本没有改变......


    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "manage.py", line 10, in <module>
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\__init__.py", line
338, in execute_from_command_line
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\__init__.py", line
330, in execute
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\base.py", line 390,
 in run_from_argv
    self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\base.py", line 441,
 in execute
    output = self.handle(*args, **options)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\commands\makemigrat
ions.py", line 98, in handle
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\loader.py", line 326,
 in project_state
    return self.graph.make_state(nodes=nodes, at_end=at_end, real_apps=list(self
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\graph.py", line 231,
in make_state
    project_state = self.nodes[node].mutate_state(project_state, preserve=False)

  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\migration.py", line 8
3, in mutate_state
    operation.state_forwards(self.app_label, new_state)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\operations\fields.py"
, line 51, in state_forwards
    state.reload_model(app_label, self.model_name_lower)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\state.py", line 152,
in reload_model
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\state.py", line 262,
in render_multiple
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\state.py", line 546,
in render
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\base.py", line 189, in __
    new_class.add_to_class(obj_name, obj)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\base.py", line 324, in ad
    value.contribute_to_class(cls, name)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\fields\__init__.py", line
 989, in contribute_to_class
    "A model can't have more than one AutoField."
AssertionError: A model can't have more than one AutoField.

Here's an example of one of my fields:这是我的一个领域的一个例子:

assetid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)

A lot of my code already depends on the name itself so changing it is going to be a big issue.我的很多代码已经依赖于名称本身,因此更改它将是一个大问题。 Furthermore, this was working perfectly before!此外,这之前工作得很好! I just can't seem to migrate it now.我现在似乎无法迁移它。 I should mention im using a sqlite3 db.我应该提到我使用 sqlite3 db。

This is Because Django By default uses AutoField for the id.....so, if you want other fields to be AutoField, then make sure you confirm primary_key=True .这是因为 Django 默认使用 AutoField 作为 id .....所以,如果您希望其他字段为 AutoField,请确保确认primary_key=True Doing so deletes the id field from the Database.这样做会从数据库中删除 id 字段。

I have used Mysql as my database.我使用 Mysql 作为我的数据库。 Be sure this problem might not solve in other databases.确保此问题在其他数据库中可能无法解决。


I was having the same problem,我遇到了同样的问题,

I commented out all the references to that model in all my app files, then run makemigrations and migrate, butit keeps telling that "A model can't have more than one AutoField."我在我的所有应用程序文件中注释掉了对该模型的所有引用,然后运行 ​​makemigrations 并迁移,但它一直告诉“一个模型不能有多个 AutoField”。 even if i am trying to deleting that file.即使我试图删除该文件。

I had to reset my database.我不得不重置我的数据库。

在我的情况下,我删除了 id Autofield ,它对我来说很好,因为 Django 默认使用 Autofield

更好的方法是取消应用迁移(意味着运行以前的迁移)。这样,有时不会从数据库中删除的字段会自动从数据库中删除。然后,在更改之后,您可以轻松地再次进行 makemigrations 然后迁移,一切都会好起来的.

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