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g ++使用外部目录中的目标文件

[英]g++ using a object file in external directory

Context: 内容:

I am current learning c/c++ compiling on my raspberry pi b+ model (started last week), but having trouble using a header file inside a object file. 我目前正在学习在树莓派b +模型(上周开始)上进行c / c ++编译,但是在使用目标文件中的头文件时遇到了麻烦。

File locations: 文件位置:

main.cpp - ~/src/c++/projects/web_server main.cpp-〜/ src / c ++ / projects / web_server

http_socket.o - ~/src/c++/web http_socket.o-〜/ src / c ++ / web

g++ output for g++ -o webserver ~/src/c++/web/http_socket.o -std=c++0x main.cpp g ++的g ++输出g++ -o webserver ~/src/c++/web/http_socket.o -std=c++0x main.cpp

main.cpp:3:25: fatal error: http_socket.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. main.cpp:3:25:致命错误:http_socket.h:没有此类文件或目录编译终止。

main.cpp main.cpp

#include "http_socket.h"

int main() { return 0; }

http_socket.cpp http_socket.cpp

#include "http_socket.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

http_responce::http_responce(string status_Code, string date, string server, string content_Type, string content_Length) {
Status_Code = status_Code;
Date = date;
Server = server;
Content_Type = content_Type;
Content_Length = content_Length;

http_socket.h http_socket.h


#include <string>

using namespace std;

class http_responce 
    string Status_Code;
    string Date;
    string Server;
    string Content_Type;
    string Content_Length;

    http_responce(string status_Code, string date, string server, string content_Type, string content_Length);




Addition note: 补充说明:

I am very new to this language and accustomed to using an IDE, so please forgive me if it is something very trivial that I have missed. 我对这种语言非常陌生,并且习惯于使用IDE,因此,如果我错过了一些琐碎的事情,请原谅我。

Try placing the http_socket.h file in the directory you are trying to compile. 尝试将http_socket.h文件放在要编译的目录中。 This should be the easiest solution. 这应该是最简单的解决方案。 Basically what's happening is that the compiler can't find the header file you specified. 基本上发生的是编译器找不到您指定的头文件。

Reference : 参考:

What is the difference between #include <filename> and #include "filename"? #include <文件名>和#include“文件名”有什么区别?

Just as you are telling g++ where to find the http_socket.o object file, you need to help it out and tell it where it can find the http_socket.h header file you are including from main.cpp . 正如您告诉g++在哪里可以找到http_socket.o对象文件一样,您需要帮助它并告诉它可以在哪里找到要从main.cpp中包含的http_socket.h标头文件。 You do this by passing the -I preprocessor option to g++ with the directory that contains http_socket.h . 您可以通过将-I preprocessor选项传递给带有包含http_socket.h的目录的g++http_socket.h

Assuming http_socket.h is in the same folder as http_socket.o , you would use -I ~/src/c++/web so that your full command line for building webserver would be the following: 假设http_socket.hhttp_socket.h位于同一文件夹中,则应使用http_socket.o -I ~/src/c++/web以便构建webserver完整命令行如下:

g++ -I ~/src/c++/web -o webserver ~/src/c++/web/http_socket.o -std=c++0x main.cpp

From the GCC documentation : 从GCC 文档中

-I dir -I dir

Add the directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for header files. 将目录dir添加到要搜索头文件的目录列表中。 Directories named by -I are searched before the standard system include directories. 在标准系统包含目录之前,将搜索-I命名的目录。 If the directory dir is a standard system include directory, the option is ignored to ensure that the default search order for system directories and the special treatment of system headers are not defeated . 如果目录dir是标准的系统包含目录,那么将忽略该选项,以确保不会破坏系统目录的默认搜索顺序和系统标头的特殊处理。 If dir begins with = , then the = will be replaced by the sysroot prefix; 如果dir=开头,则=将被sysroot前缀替换; see --sysroot and -isysroot . 请参见--sysroot-isysroot

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