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[英]How to read some csv files in a folder in python

There are 40 csv files; 有40个csv文件; file1.csv, file2.csv. file1.csv,file2.csv。 ..., file40.csv in a folder called pathImage. ...,名为pathImage的文件夹中的file40.csv。 I want to read them, and put them in another csv file sequentially that we called 'output.csv'. 我想阅读它们,并将它们依次放入另一个名为“ output.csv”的csv文件中。 The following code does not work for me. 以下代码对我不起作用。

for i in pathImage:
    f= open(i, 'rb') 
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
    header = reader.next()
    zipped = zip(*reader)
    for j in zipped[0]:       #zipped[0] is the name of images
        im_r=misc.imread("%s.png" %j)

I already read the previous questions, but I do not know how can I put them into another csv file? 我已经阅读了前面的问题,但是不知道如何将它们放入另一个csv文件中?

I appreciate any help 感谢您的帮助

import pandas as pd
df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv('file%d.csv' % x) for x in range(1,41)])

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