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如何将文件夹中存在的 .mp4 文件与 .csv 文件中的名称相匹配,并在 python 中根据某些列值进行排序?

[英]How to match the .mp4 files present in a folder with the names in .csv file and sort according to some column value, in python?

I have a folder containing about 500.mp4 files:我有一个包含大约 500.mp4 文件的文件夹:


Also I have a.csv file containing the file names (>500) and some values associated with them:我还有一个.csv 文件,其中包含文件名 (>500) 和一些与它们相关的值:

file name  value
abc.mp4  5
xyz.mp4  3
lmn.mp4  5
rgb.mp4  4

I want to match the file names of.csv and folder and then place the mp4 files in separate folders depending on the value.我想匹配 .csv 和文件夹的文件名,然后根据值将 mp4 文件放在单独的文件夹中。

**folder 5:** 

**folder 3:**
and so on

I tried link我试过链接


for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('./videos_test'):
  for filename in filenames:
    if filename.endswith('.mp4'):

file = open('names.csv',encoding='utf-8-sig')
lns = csv.reader(file)
for line in lns:
  nam = line [0]

  if nam in names:
      print (nam, line[1])
      if line[1]==5
        print ('5')
        print(nam) %just prints the name of file not save
      else if line[1]==3
        print ('3')

does not give any result.没有给出任何结果。

I'd recommend you to use pandas if you're going to handle csv files.如果您要处理csv文件,我建议您使用pandas

Here's a code that will automatically create the folders, and put the files in the right place for you using shutil and pandas .这是一个自动创建文件夹的代码,并使用shutilpandas将文件放在正确的位置。 I have assumed that your csv's columns are "filename" and "value".我假设您的 csv 列是“文件名”和“值”。 Change them if there's a mismatch.如果不匹配,请更改它们。

import pandas as pd 
import shutil 
import os

path_to_csv_file = "file.csv"

df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file)

mp4_root = "mp4_root"

destination_path = "destination_path"

#In order to remove the folder if previously created. You can delete this if you don't like it.
if os.path.isdir(destination_path):

unique_values = pd.unique(df['value'])

for u in unique_values:
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(destination_path, str(u)))

#Here we iterate over the rows of your csv file, and concatenate the value and the filename to the destination_path with our new folder structure.

for index, row in df.iterrows():
        cur_path = os.path.join(destination_path, str(row['value']), str(row['filename']))
        source_path = os.path.join(mp4_root, str(row['filename']))
        shutil.copyfile(source_path, cur_path)

EDIT : If there's a file that is in the csv but not present in the source folder, you could check it before (more pythonic) or you could handle it via a try/catch exception check.(Not recommended)编辑:如果 csv 中有一个文件但不存在于源文件夹中,您可以之前检查它(更多 pythonic)或者您可以通过 try/catch 异常检查来处理它。(不推荐)

Check the code below.检查下面的代码。

source_files = os.listdir(mp4_root)
for index, row in df.iterrows():
        if str(row['filename']) not in source_files:
        cur_path = os.path.join(destination_path, str(row['value']), str(row['filename']))
        source_path = os.path.join(mp4_root, str(row['filename']))
        shutil.copyfile(source_path, cur_path)

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