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[英]Finding minimum distance between two sets of points in two sets of R

I have two dataframes that have three variables each: location_id , latitude and longitude . 我有两个具有三个变量的数据框: location_idlatitudelongitude For every location_id in the first data frame, I have to find the closest location_id in the second dataframe, in addition to the distance between the location_id from each df. 对于第一个数据帧中的每个location_id ,除了每个df的location_id之间的距离外,我还必须找到第二个数据帧中最接近的location_id

I've tried using expand.grid to give me every possible combination of the two data frames together (worked), but then when I tried to merge the latitude and longitudes from the original lists onto my super list, I ran out of memory (there are 7000 location_ids in the first dataframe and 5000 location_ids in the second data frame). 我尝试使用expand.grid将两个数据帧的所有可能组合在一起(有效),但是当我尝试将原始列表中的纬度和经度合并到我的超级列表中时,我的内存不足了(在第一个数据帧中有7000个location_id,在第二个数据帧中有5000个location_ids

I was able to get the equation to calculate the distance between two points from elsewhere on stack overflow: 我能够得到等式来计算堆栈溢出其他地方的两点之间的距离:

earth.dist <- function (long1, lat1, long2, lat2)
rad <- pi/180
a1 <- lat1 * rad
a2 <- long1 * rad
b1 <- lat2 * rad
b2 <- long2 * rad
dlon <- b2 - a2
dlat <- b1 - a1
a <- (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(a1) * cos(b1) * (sin(dlon/2))^2
c <- 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
R <- 6378.145
d <- R * c

but I'm having a hard time applying it in the context of this problem. 但在解决此问题的过程中,我遇到了困难。 Any help is appreciated! 任何帮助表示赞赏!

EDIT: 编辑:

The sets of data look exactly like this: 数据集如下所示:

211099    32.40913     -99.78064
333547    32.45192     -100.39325
369561    32.47458     -99.69176
123141    33.68169     -96.60887
386913    33.99921     -96.40743
123331    31.96173     -83.75830

This might help you. 这可能对您有帮助。 It's not the most elegant answer but for a data.frame for your size this should do the job fairly well. 这不是最优雅的答案,但是对于您大小的data.frame来说,应该做得很好。


DB1 <- data.frame(location_id=1:7000,LATITUDE=runif(7000,min = -90,max = 90),LONGITUDE=runif(7000,min = -180,max = 180))
DB2 <- data.frame(location_id=7001:12000,LATITUDE=runif(5000,min = -90,max = 90),LONGITUDE=runif(5000,min = -180,max = 180))

DistFun <- function(ID){
 TMP <- DB1[DB1$location_id==ID,]
 TMP1 <- distGeo(TMP[,3:2],DB2[,3:2])
 TMP2 <- data.frame(DB1ID=ID,DB2ID=DB2[which.min(TMP1),1],DistanceBetween=min(TMP1)      ) 

DistanceMatrix <- rbind_all(lapply(DB1$location_id, DistFun))


Source: local data frame [6 x 3]

  DB1ID DB2ID DistanceBetween
1     1  9386        24907.35
2     2 11823       264295.86
3     3  9118        12677.62
4     4 11212       237730.78
5     5 11203        26775.01
6     6  7607        83904.84

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