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[英]Bandpass Filter for 4D image in Matlab

I have implemented in Matlab a bandpass filter for a 4D image (4D matrix). 我已经在Matlab中实现了用于4D图像(4D矩阵)的带通滤波器。 The first three dimensions are spatial dimensions, the last dimension is a temporal one. 前三个维度是空间维度,最后一个维度是时间维度。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

function bandpass_img = bandpass_filter(img)
% Does bandpass filtering on input image
% Input:
%   img: 4D image
% Output:
%   bandpass_img: Bandpass filtered image

TR = 1; % Repetition time
n_vols = size(img,3);
X = [];

% Create matrix (voxels x time points)
for z = 1:size(img,3)
    for y = 1:size(img,2)
        for x = 1:size(img,1)
            X = [X; squeeze(img(x,y,z,:))']; %#ok<AGROW>

Fs = 1/TR;
nyquist = 0.5*Fs;

% Pass bands
F = [0.01/nyquist, 0.1/nyquist];
type = 'bandpass';

% Filter order
n = floor(n_vols/3.5);

% Ensure filter order is odd for bandpass
if (mod(n,2) ~= 0), n=n+1; end
fltr = fir1(n, F, type);

% Looking at frequency response
% freqz(fltr)

% Store plot to file
% set(gcf, 'Color', 'w');
% export_fig('freq_response', '-png', '-r100');

% Apply to image
X = filter(fltr, 1, X);

% Reconstructing image
i = 1;
bandpass_img = zeros(size(img));
for z = 1:size(img,3)
    for y = 1:size(img,2)
        for x = 1:size(img,1)
            bandpass_img(x,y,z,:) = X(i,:)';
            i = i + 1;


I'm not sure if the implementation is correct. 我不确定实施是否正确。 Could somebody verify it or does somebody find a failure? 有人可以验证它还是有人发现失败?

Edit: Thanks to SleuthEye it now kind of works when I'm using bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, [], 4); 编辑:感谢SleuthEye,当我使用bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, [], 4);时,它现在可以工作了bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, [], 4); . But there is still a minor problem. 但是仍然存在一个小问题。 My images are of size 80x35x12x350, ie there are 350 time points. 我的图像尺寸为80x35x12x350,即有350个时间点。 I have plotted the average time series before and after applying the bandpass filter. 我已经绘制了应用带通滤波器前后的平均时间序列。

Before bandpass filtering: 带通滤波之前:


After bandpass filtering: 带通滤波后:


Why is this peak at the very beginning of the filtered image? 为什么这个峰值出现在过滤图像的最开始?

Edit 2 : There is now a peak at the beginning and at the end. 编辑2 :现在在起点和终点都有一个峰值。 See: 看到:


I have made a second plot where I marked each point with a *. 我做了第二个图,在每个图上用*标记。 See: 看到:


So the first and last two time points seem to be lower. 因此,第一个和最后两个时间点似乎更低。

It seems that I have to remove 2 time points at the beginning and also 2 time points at the end, so in total I will loose 4 time points. 看来我必须在开始时删除2个时间点,并在结尾时删除2个时间点,因此总共我将删除4个时间点。

What do you think? 你怎么看?

Filtering a concatenation of all the elements using the 1-D filter function as you are doing is likely going to result in a distorted image as the smoothing makes the end of each row blend into the beginning of the next one. 在执行操作时,使用一维filter功能过滤所有元素的串联可能会导致图像失真,因为平滑处理会使每一行的末尾融合到下一行的开始。 Unless you are trying to obtain a psychedelic rendition of your 4D data, this is unlikely to do what you are expecting it to. 除非您尝试获取4D数据的迷幻再现,否则这不可能实现您期望的效果。

Now, according to Matlab's filter documentation : 现在,根据Matlab的过滤器文档

y = filter(b,a,x,zi,dim) acts along dimension dim . y = filter(b,a,x,zi,dim)沿维度dim起作用。 For example, if x is a matrix, then filter(b,a,x,zi,2) returns the filtered data for each row. 例如,如果x是矩阵,则filter(b,a,x,zi,2)返回每一行的过滤数据。

So, to smooth out the 3D images over time (which you indicated is the fourth dimension of you matrix img ), you should use 因此,要使3D图像随时间平滑(您指出的是矩阵img的第四维),应使用

bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, [], 4);

Used as such, the signal would starts a 0 because that's the default initial state of the filter and the filter takes a few samples to ramp up. 照此使用,信号将开始为0,因为这是滤波器的默认初始状态,并且滤波器需要几个采样来进行加速。 If you know the value of the initial state you can specify that with the zi argument (the 4th argument): 如果知道初始状态的值,则可以使用zi参数(第4个参数)指定该值:

bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, zi, 4);

Otherwise, a typical order N linear FIR filter has a delay of N/2 samples. 否则,典型的N阶线性FIR滤波器的延迟为N/2样本。 To get rid of the initial ramp up you can thus just discard those N/2 initial samples: 为了摆脱初始加速,您可以仅丢弃这些N/2初始样本:

bandpass_img = bandpass_img(:,:,:,(N/2+1):end);

Similarly, if you want to see the output corresponding to the last N/2 input values, you'd have to pad your input with N/2 extra samples (zeros will do): 同样,如果要查看与最后N/2输入值相对应的输出,则必须用N/2额外的采样填充输入(零将起作用):

img = padarray(img, [0 0 0 N/2], 0, 'post');

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