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字典不在struct SWIFT中工作

[英]Dictionaries not working inside a struct SWIFT

Why is this not working!? 为什么这不起作用!?

struct ChocolateBox {
    var caramelDelight = []
    caramelDelight["flavor"] = "caramel"

I tried this without the struct, still doesn't work: 我试过这个没有结构,仍然无法正常工作:

var caramelDelight = []
caramelDelight["flavor"] = "caramel"

I have to add initial values into the array for it to work, for example: 我必须在数组中添加初始值才能使其工作,例如:

var caramelDelight = ["test":"test"]
caramelDelight["flavor"] = "caramel"

Please explain. 请解释。

Your var caramelDelight = [] doesn't create an empty dictionary. 你的var caramelDelight = []不会创建一个空字典。

To create an empty dictionary use [:]() and specify the types of the keys and values, example: var caramelDelight = [String:String]() . 要创建空字典,请使用[:]()并指定键和值的类型,例如: var caramelDelight = [String:String]()

There's also this alternative syntax: var caramelDelight: [String:String] = [:] . 还有这种替代语法: var caramelDelight: [String:String] = [:]

Also to modify the var in your struct you need to create an instance of the struct first: 另外要修改struct中的var,首先需要创建struct的实例:

struct ChocolateBox {
    var caramelDelight = [String:String]()

var cb = ChocolateBox()
cb.caramelDelight["flavor"] = "caramel"

println(cb.caramelDelight)  // [flavor: caramel]


You can also create an initializer for your struct if you need to prepopulate the dictionary: 如果需要预填充字典,还可以为结构创建初始化程序:

struct ChocolateBox {
    var caramelDelight: [String:String]
    init(dict: [String:String]) {
        self.caramelDelight = dict

var cb = ChocolateBox(dict: ["flavor": "caramel"])

Of course then you can update the dictionary as usual: 当然,您可以像往常一样更新字典:

cb.caramelDelight["color"] = "brown"

println(cb.caramelDelight)  // [color: brown, flavor: caramel]

That is because caramelDelight is actually an array, not a dictionary. 那是因为caramelDelight实际上是一个数组,而不是字典。 You can fix that by doing var caramelDelight: [String:String] = [:] 您可以通过执行var caramelDelight: [String:String] = [:]来解决这个var caramelDelight: [String:String] = [:]

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