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Solr Replication和Solr Cloud有什么区别?

[英]What is the difference between Solr Replication and Solr Cloud?

I'm supporting on rails project, which contain rails app and additional instance with Solr. 我支持rails项目,它包含rails app和Solr的附加实例。

My environment: rails 3.2.1, ruby 2.1.2, sunspot 2.1.0, Solr 4.1.6. 我的环境:rails 3.2.1,ruby 2.1.2,sunspot 2.1.0,Solr 4.1.6。

Problem: 问题:

Clould provider is not stable. Clould提供商不稳定。 I cannot use other cloud provider - it is customer's demand. 我不能使用其他云提供商 - 这是客户的需求。 Oftentimes search server goes on maintenance and web application stop working on production. 通常,搜索服务器继续维护,Web应用程序停止生产。 So, I think about how to make 2 identical search servers instead of one, to make system more stable: if one server will be down, other will continue working. 因此,我考虑如何制作2个相同的搜索服务器而不是一个,以使系统更稳定:如果一个服务器将关闭,其他服务器将继续工作。

Way out of trouble: 摆脱困境的方法:

Question: 题:

  1. What to do and why? 怎么办?为什么?
  2. Is SolrCloud is better solution? SolrCloud是更好的解决方案吗?
  3. What is PROC and CONS of these variants? 这些变体的PROC和CONS是什么?
  4. In which cases is better to coose SolrCloud? 在哪些情况下更好地应对SolrCloud?
  5. In which cases is better to coose Solr Replication? 在哪些情况下更好地处理Solr Replication?

You should be able to find may comparisons for Solr Master Slave Heirarchy Vs SolrCloud in forums, but these are my understandings/experience from them, so consume it lightly. 您应该能够在论坛中找到Solr Master Slave Heirarchy Vs SolrCloud的比较,但这些是我对他们的理解/体验,所以要轻易消耗它。

  1. What to do and why? 怎么办?为什么? This depends purely on your business requirement. 这完全取决于您的业务需求。 I would say if your application just reads data from SOLR and need high availability on reading data from SOLR then a simple one master to many slave hierarchy is more than sufficient. 我想说如果你的应用程序只是从SOLR读取数据并且在从SOLR读取数据时需要高可用性,那么简单的一个主机到多个从机层次结构就足够了。 But if you are looking out for high availability on writing to SOLR too, then SolrCloud is a right option 但是,如果您正在寻找SOLR写入的高可用性,那么SolrCloud是一个正确的选择
  2. Is SolrCloud is better solution? SolrCloud是更好的解决方案吗? There is nothing like better, maintaining SolrCloud needs a good infrastructure and have to look out the availability of ZooKeepers, and nodes health, high performance disk for better replication speed etc. But, other than this we don't need to worry about Data consistency among nodes as this will be taken care by SolrCloud 没有比这更好的了,维护SolrCloud需要一个良好的基础架构,并且必须查看ZooKeeper的可用性,以及节点运行状况,高性能磁盘以获得更好的复制速度等。但是,除此之外我们不需要担心数据一致性在节点之间,SolrCloud将对此进行处理
  3. What is PROC and CONS of these variants? 这些变体的PROC和CONS是什么? As described above. 如上所述。
  4. In which cases is better to coose SolrCloud? 在哪些情况下更好地应对SolrCloud? When you need high availability on Solr Writes as well as reads, we have to go for SolrCloud Also, if you cannot afford bigger machines to have one single node, then you can split your index to shards and keep it under smaller config machines. 当您需要Solr Writes和读取的高可用性时,我们必须选择SolrCloud此外,如果您无法承受更大的机器拥有一个节点,那么您可以将索引拆分为分片并将其保存在较小的配置机器下。
  5. In which cases is better to choose Solr Replication? 在哪种情况下最好选择Solr Replication? When your application does not write in real time to SOLR, Replication is enough and no need to get complicated with SolrCloud. 当您的应用程序没有实时写入SOLR时,复制就足够了,无需使用SolrCloud。 Also, its comparatively easy to setup Master Slave than SolrCloud 此外,它比SolrCloud相对容易设置Master Slave

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