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[英]Python ask for user input without a newline?

I just started python a few days ago and have been working on a calculator (not extremely basic, but also not advanced). 我几天前才刚开始使用python,并且一直在使用计算器(不是很基础,但也不是高级)。 The problem doesn't prevent code from running or anything, it is just a visual thing. 该问题不会阻止代码运行或执行任何操作,而只是视觉上的事情。 Output in the console looks like this (stuff in parenthesis is explaining what is happening and is not actually part of the output): 控制台中的输出看起来像这样(括号中的内容正在解释发生了什么,而实际上并不是输出的一部分):

4 (user prompted for first number, press enter afterwards)
+ (user prompted for an operator, press enter afterwards
5 (user prompted for second number, press enter afterwards)
9.00000 (answer is printed)

Process finished with exit code 0

Basically what I want it to look like is this when I'm entering it into the console: 基本上,当我将其输入控制台时,我希望它看起来像这样:


I don't want it to start a newline after I enter a number or operator or whatever, it looks more like an actual calculator when it prints along one line. 输入数字或运算符等后,我不希望它开始换行符,当它沿一行打印时,它看起来更像是一个实际的计算器。 Is this possible to do and if so how? 这可能吗?如果可以,怎么办? Btw I know end="" works with print but not with input since it doesn't accept arguments. 顺便说一句,我知道end=""可用于print但不能用于input因为它不接受参数。 Also I know the whole calculator thing is kind of redundant considering you can make calculations really easily in the python IDLE but I thought it was a good way for me to learn. 我也知道整个计算器是多余的,考虑到您可以在python IDLE中真正轻松地进行计算,但是我认为这是我学习的好方法。 Here is the entire code if you need it: 如果需要,这里是完整的代码:

import math

while True:
        firstNumber = float(input())
    except ValueError:
        print("Please enter a number...   ", end="")
while True:
    operators = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '!', '^']
    userOperator = str(input())
    if userOperator in operators:
        print("Enter a valid operator...   ", end="")
if userOperator == operators[4]:
    answer = math.factorial(firstNumber)
    pause = input()
    raise SystemExit
while True:
        secondNumber = float(input())
    except ValueError:
        print("Please enter a number...   ", end="")
if userOperator == operators[0]:
        answer = firstNumber + secondNumber
        print('%.5f' % round(answer, 5))
elif userOperator == operators[1]:
        answer = firstNumber - secondNumber
        print('%.5f' % round(answer, 5))
elif userOperator == operators[2]:
        answer = firstNumber * secondNumber
        print('%.5f' % round(answer, 5))
elif userOperator == operators[3]:
        answer = firstNumber / secondNumber
        print('%.5f' % round(answer, 5))
elif userOperator == operators[5]:
        answer = firstNumber ** secondNumber
        print('%.5f' % round(answer, 5))
pause = input()
raise SystemExit

Your problem is that you're asking for input() without specifying what you want. 您的问题是,您在没有指定所需内容的情况下要求input() So if you take a look at the first one: firstNumber = float(input()) It's executing properly, but you hit enter it gives an error which is only then you're specifying what you want. 因此,如果您看一下第一个: firstNumber = float(input())它正在正确执行,但是按enter会给出一个错误,该错误只有在您指定所需内容的情况下。

Try replacing with these: 尝试替换为:

    firstNumber = float(input("Please enter a number...   "))
    userOperator = str(input("Enter a valid operator...   "))
    secondNumber = float(input("Please enter a number...   "))

Is that what you're looking for? 那是您要找的东西吗?

Using my method I suggested: 使用我的方法,我建议:

Please enter a number...   5
Enter a valid operator...   +
Please enter a number...   6

Using your method: 使用您的方法:

Please enter a number...   5

Enter a valid operator...   +

Please enter a number...   6

Extra newlines which is what I'm assuming you're referring to. 我假设您要指的是多余的换行符。

That's a nice exercise , and as I wrote in the comments, I would ignore whitespaces, take the expression as a whole from the user and then parse it and calculate the result. 这是一个很好的练习 ,正如我在评论中所写,我将忽略空格,从用户那里获取整个表达式,然后对其进行解析并计算结果。 Here's a small demo: 这是一个小演示:

def is_number(s):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

def calc(expr):
    if is_number(expr):
        return float(expr)    
    arr = expr.split('+')
    if len(arr) > 1:
        return sum(map(calc, arr))
    arr = expr.split('-')
    if len(arr) > 1:
        return reduce(lambda x,y: x-y, map(calc, arr))
    arr = expr.split('*')
    if len(arr) > 1:
        return reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, map(calc, arr), 1)
    arr = expr.split('/')
    if len(arr) > 1:
        return reduce(lambda x,y: x/y, map(calc, arr))

print calc("3+4-2 *2/ 2")    # 5

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