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[英]Write a Python function to ask the user to input a sentence

Write a python function to ask the user to input a sentence.写一个python函数让用户输入一个句子。 If the sentence begins with a vowel, Return the sentence as it is to be printed.如果句子以元音开头,则按原样返回要打印的句子。 If the sentence does not begin with a vowel, Change the first letter to a capital letter and return the sentence to be printed.如果句子不是以元音开头,则将第一个字母改为大写并返回要打印的句子。

This is what I came up with:这就是我想出的:

sentence = input("Enter a Sentence:")
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] 
if: (sentence.find [0]=vowels)    
     print (sentence) 

You have the right idea but your syntax is incorrect.您的想法是正确的,但您的语法不正确。 see below见下文

sentence = input('Enter a Sentence:')
vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u']

if sentence[0] in vowels:

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