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[英]Rotate and then crop image with PHP

I'm trying to crop my image, but when I do it shows up as the right size, but all black. 我正在尝试裁剪我的图像,但是当我这样做时,它显示为正确的尺寸,但全黑。 I've tried at least a dozen different scripts but I can't seem to get any of them to work :( 我已经尝试了至少十几个不同的脚本,但我似乎无法让它们中的任何一个工作:(

Oh and the rotation script works fine, and all of the echos are just for testing and will be removed :D 哦,旋转脚本工作正常,所有的回声只是用于测试,将被删除:D


$staffID        =   $_POST['u'];
$actCode        =   $_POST['a'];
$tempAvatar     =   $_POST['tempAvatar'];
$x1             =   $_POST['x'];
$y1             =   $_POST['y'];
$wH             =   $_POST['w'];
$scale          =   $_POST['scale'];
$angle          =   $_POST['angle'];
$destFolder     =   "../../../avatars/";
$imagePath      =   "tempAvatars/".$tempAvatar.".jpg";
$imagePathRot   =   "tempAvatars/".$tempAvatar."ROTATED.jpg";
$imagePathCropped=  "tempAvatars/".$tempAvatar."CROPPED.jpg";

echo 'X1: '.$x1.'<br>Y1: '.$y1.'<br>Width/Height: '.$wH.'<br>Angle: '.$angle;
if ($angle != 0) {

    $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath) or notfound();
    $rotate = imagerotate($source,$angle,0);
    imagejpeg($rotate, $imagePathRot);

    $imagePath  =   $imagePathRot;

echo '<br>X2: '.$x2.'<br>Y2: '.$y2;

$targ_w = 300;
$jpeg_quality = 90;

$img_r = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath);
$dst_r = ImageCreateTrueColor( $targ_w, $targ_w );


imagejpeg($dst_r, $imagePathCropped, $jpeg_quality);

echo '<br><img src="'.$imagePathCropped.'">';


Your problem is that $targ_h is not defined, therefore you are copying 0 pixel "rows" from the source image. 您的问题是$targ_h未定义,因此您正在从源图像复制0像素“行”。 It's in the correct size because it's decided by ImageCreateTrueColor and of course initialized to black. 它的大小正确,因为它由ImageCreateTrueColor决定,当然初始化为黑色。 The correct call according to the rest of your code should be: 根据您的其余代码进行的正确调用应该是:


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