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[英]Crop image in PHP

The code below crops the image well, which is what i want, but for larger images, it wotn work as well. 下面的代码可以很好地裁剪图像,这是我想要的,但对于较大的图像,它也可以工作。 Is there any way of 'zooming out of the image' 有没有办法'缩小图像'

Idealy i would be able to have each image roughly the same size before cropping so that i would get good results each time 理想的是,我可以在裁剪之前让每张图像的大小大致相同,这样每次都能获得好的效果

Code is 代码是


$image = $_GET['src']; // the image to crop
$dest_image = 'images/cropped_whatever.jpg'; // make sure the directory is writeable

$img = imagecreatetruecolor('200','150');
$org_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
$ims = getimagesize($image);
imagecopy($img,$org_img, 0, 0, 20, 20, 200, 150);
echo '<img src="'.$dest_image.'" ><p>';

If you are trying to generate thumbnails, you must first resize the image using imagecopyresampled(); 如果您尝试生成缩略图,则必须先使用imagecopyresampled();调整图像大小imagecopyresampled(); . You must resize the image so that the size of the smaller side of the image is equal to the corresponding side of the thumb. 您必须调整图像大小,使图像较小边的大小等于拇指的相应边。

For example, if your source image is 1280x800px and your thumb is 200x150px, you must resize your image to 240x150px and then crop it to 200x150px. 例如,如果源图像为1280x800像素且拇指为200x150像素,则必须将图像大小调整为240x150像素,然后将其裁剪为200x150像素。 This is so that the aspect ratio of the image won't change. 这使得图像的纵横比不会改变。

Here's a general formula for creating thumbnails: 这是创建缩略图的通用公式:

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['src']);
$filename = 'images/cropped_whatever.jpg';

$thumb_width = 200;
$thumb_height = 150;

$width = imagesx($image);
$height = imagesy($image);

$original_aspect = $width / $height;
$thumb_aspect = $thumb_width / $thumb_height;

if ( $original_aspect >= $thumb_aspect )
   // If image is wider than thumbnail (in aspect ratio sense)
   $new_height = $thumb_height;
   $new_width = $width / ($height / $thumb_height);
   // If the thumbnail is wider than the image
   $new_width = $thumb_width;
   $new_height = $height / ($width / $thumb_width);

$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor( $thumb_width, $thumb_height );

// Resize and crop
                   0 - ($new_width - $thumb_width) / 2, // Center the image horizontally
                   0 - ($new_height - $thumb_height) / 2, // Center the image vertically
                   0, 0,
                   $new_width, $new_height,
                   $width, $height);
imagejpeg($thumb, $filename, 80);

Haven't tested this but it should work. 没有测试过,但它应该工作。


Now tested and working. 现在测试和工作。

imagecopyresampled() will take a rectangular area from $src_image of width $src_w and height $src_h at position ($src_x, $src_y) and place it in a rectangular area of $dst_image of width $dst_w and height $dst_h at position ($dst_x, $dst_y) . imagecopyresampled()将从$src_image的宽度$src_w和高度$src_h的位置($src_x, $src_y)一个矩形区域,并将其放置在$dst_image的宽度$dst_w和高度$dst_h的矩形区域($dst_x, $dst_y)

If the source and destination coordinates and width and heights differ, appropriate stretching or shrinking of the image fragment will be performed. 如果源和目标坐标以及宽度和高度不同,则将执行图像片段的适当拉伸或收缩。 The coordinates refer to the upper left corner. 坐标指的是左上角。

This function can be used to copy regions within the same image. 此功能可用于复制同一图像中的区域。 But if the regions overlap, the results will be unpredictable. 但如果区域重叠,结果将是不可预测的。

- Edit - - 编辑 -

If $src_w and $src_h are smaller than $dst_w and $dst_h respectively, thumb image will be zoomed in. Otherwise it will be zoomed out. 如果$src_w$src_h分别小于$dst_w$dst_h ,拇指图像将被放大。否则它将被缩小。

$dst_x = 0;   // X-coordinate of destination point
$dst_y = 0;   // Y-coordinate of destination point
$src_x = 100; // Crop Start X position in original image
$src_y = 100; // Crop Srart Y position in original image
$dst_w = 160; // Thumb width
$dst_h = 120; // Thumb height
$src_w = 260; // Crop end X position in original image
$src_h = 220; // Crop end Y position in original image

// Creating an image with true colors having thumb dimensions (to merge with the original image)
$dst_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
// Get original image
$src_image = imagecreatefromjpeg('images/source.jpg');
// Cropping
imagecopyresampled($dst_image, $src_image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h);
// Saving
imagejpeg($dst_image, 'images/crop.jpg');

php 5.5有一个imagecrop函数http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecrop.php

Improved Crop image functionality in PHP on the fly. 动态改进PHP中的裁剪图像功能。


Code in cropimage.php cropimage.php代码

$basefilename = @basename(urldecode($_REQUEST['filename']));

$path = 'images/';
$outPath = 'crop_images/';
$saveOutput = false; // true/false ("true" if you want to save images in out put folder)
$defaultImage = 'no_img.png'; // change it with your default image

$basefilename = $basefilename;
$w = $_REQUEST['newxsize'];
$h = $_REQUEST['newysize'];

if ($basefilename == "") {
    $img = $path . $defaultImage;
    $percent = 100;
} else {
    $img = $path . $basefilename;

    $len = strlen($img);
    $ext = substr($img, $len - 3, $len);
    $img2 = substr($img, 0, $len - 3) . strtoupper($ext);
    if (!file_exists($img)) $img = $img2;
    if (file_exists($img)) {
        $percent = @$_GET['percent'];
        $constrain = @$_GET['constrain'];
        $w = $w;
        $h = $h;
    } else if (file_exists($path . $basefilename)) {
        $img = $path . $basefilename;
        $percent = $_GET['percent'];
        $constrain = $_GET['constrain'];
        $w = $w;
        $h = $h;
    } else {

        $img = $path . 'no_img.png';    // change with your default image
        $percent = @$_GET['percent'];
        $constrain = @$_GET['constrain'];
        $w = $w;
        $h = $h;



// get image size of img
$x = @getimagesize($img);

// image width
$sw = $x[0];
// image height
$sh = $x[1];

if ($percent > 0) {
    // calculate resized height and width if percent is defined
    $percent = $percent * 0.01;
    $w = $sw * $percent;
    $h = $sh * $percent;
} else {
    if (isset ($w) AND !isset ($h)) {
        // autocompute height if only width is set
        $h = (100 / ($sw / $w)) * .01;
        $h = @round($sh * $h);
    } elseif (isset ($h) AND !isset ($w)) {
        // autocompute width if only height is set
        $w = (100 / ($sh / $h)) * .01;
        $w = @round($sw * $w);
    } elseif (isset ($h) AND isset ($w) AND isset ($constrain)) {
        // get the smaller resulting image dimension if both height
        // and width are set and $constrain is also set
        $hx = (100 / ($sw / $w)) * .01;
        $hx = @round($sh * $hx);

        $wx = (100 / ($sh / $h)) * .01;
        $wx = @round($sw * $wx);

        if ($hx < $h) {
            $h = (100 / ($sw / $w)) * .01;
            $h = @round($sh * $h);
        } else {
            $w = (100 / ($sh / $h)) * .01;
            $w = @round($sw * $w);

$im = @ImageCreateFromJPEG($img) or // Read JPEG Image
$im = @ImageCreateFromPNG($img) or // or PNG Image
$im = @ImageCreateFromGIF($img) or // or GIF Image
$im = false; // If image is not JPEG, PNG, or GIF

if (!$im) {
    // We get errors from PHP's ImageCreate functions...
    // So let's echo back the contents of the actual image.
} else {
    // Create the resized image destination
    $thumb = @ImageCreateTrueColor($w, $h);
    // Copy from image source, resize it, and paste to image destination
    @ImageCopyResampled($thumb, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $sw, $sh);

    //Other format imagepng()

    if ($saveOutput) { //Save image
        $save = $outPath . $basefilename;
        @ImageJPEG($thumb, $save);
    } else { // Output resized image
        header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['src']);

Needs to be replaced with this: 需要替换为:

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg('images/thumbnails/myimage.jpg');

Because imagecreatefromjpeg() is expecting a string. 因为imagecreatefromjpeg()需要一个字符串。
This worked for me. 这对我有用。

ref: 参考:
http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromjpeg.php http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromjpeg.php

Is there any way of 'zooming out of the image'. 有没有办法'缩小图像'。

For a lesser server-side/PHP approach, here's a nice jQuery plugin . 对于较小的服务器端/ PHP方法,这是一个不错的jQuery插件

One could do all the necessary adjustments - the zooming, and aspect ratio, kind - on the client-side and send the final cropped area positions and size to the server-side for final manipulation and saving. 可以在客户端进行所有必要的调整 - 缩放和宽高比,类型 - 并将最终裁剪区域位置和大小发送到服务器端以进行最终操作和保存。 The docs say pretty much enough for you to get rocking. 文档说得足以让你摇摆不定。

HTML Code:- HTML代码: -

enter code here
  <!DOCTYPE html>

  <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  Select image to upload:
  <input type="file" name="image" id="fileToUpload">
  <input type="submit" value="Upload Image" name="submit">


upload.php upload.php的

enter code here
      $image = $_FILES;
      $NewImageName = rand(4,10000)."-". $image['image']['name'];
      $destination = realpath('../images/testing').'/';
      move_uploaded_file($image['image']['tmp_name'], $destination.$NewImageName);
      $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($destination.$NewImageName);
      $filename = $destination.$NewImageName;

      $thumb_width = 200;
      $thumb_height = 150;

      $width = imagesx($image);
      $height = imagesy($image);

      $original_aspect = $width / $height;
      $thumb_aspect = $thumb_width / $thumb_height;

      if ( $original_aspect >= $thumb_aspect )
         // If image is wider than thumbnail (in aspect ratio sense)
         $new_height = $thumb_height;
         $new_width = $width / ($height / $thumb_height);
         // If the thumbnail is wider than the image
         $new_width = $thumb_width;
         $new_height = $height / ($width / $thumb_width);

      $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor( $thumb_width, $thumb_height );

      // Resize and crop
                         0 - ($new_width - $thumb_width) / 2, // Center the image horizontally
                         0 - ($new_height - $thumb_height) / 2, // Center the image vertically
                         0, 0,
                         $new_width, $new_height,
                         $width, $height);
      imagejpeg($thumb, $filename, 80);
      echo "cropped"; die;

You can use imagecrop function in (PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7) 你可以使用imagecrop函数(PHP 5> = 5.5.0,PHP 7)

Example: 例:

$im = imagecreatefrompng('example.png');
$size = min(imagesx($im), imagesy($im));
$im2 = imagecrop($im, ['x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'width' => $size, 'height' => $size]);
if ($im2 !== FALSE) {
    imagepng($im2, 'example-cropped.png');
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['src']);
$filename = 'images/cropped_whatever.jpg'

Must be replaced with: 必须替换为:

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['src']);

Then it will work! 然后它会工作!

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