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[英]SWIFT: Array index out of range' when calculating numberOfRowsInSection for tableView

I'm trying to calculate the numberOfRowsInSection based on a specific category type selected on a previous screen (eg Bedroom Decor, Kitchen Items, Living Room Furniture, etc.). 我正在尝试根据上一个屏幕上选择的特定类别类型(例如,卧室装饰,厨房用品,客厅家具等)计算numberOfRowsInSection。 I've passed an index using prepareForSegue from the previous screen and have used the following to get the category type selected: 我已经从上一屏幕使用prepareForSegue传递了一个索引,并使用以下内容来选择类别类型:

let category = categoryData[index!]
let categoryType = category.category

I am then cross referencing that category type with a vendor data structure to display all vendors of that specific category in the tableView. 然后,我将该类别类型与供应商数据结构进行交叉引用,以在tableView中显示该特定类别的所有供应商。 The following is the function to determine the numberOfRowsInSection: 以下是确定numberOfRowsInSection的函数:

//pulls the data from the Category and Vendor data structures which both contain a "category" item
let categoryData = Data().headerData        
let vendorData = Data().vendorData

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows

    let category = categoryData[index!]
    let categoryType = category.category

    var count: Int = 0

    for (var i=1; i <= vendorData.count; i++) {

        if vendorData[i].category == categoryType {

            count = count + 1

    return count

It succeeds to run, but once it gets to the vendor list screen, it crashes and the console displays 'Array index out of range'. 它可以成功运行,但是一旦进入供应商列表屏幕,它便崩溃并且控制台显示“ Array index out of range”。 I tested this out in a Playground and it seems to work fine. 我在操场上进行了测试,看来效果很好。

For full context, once the correct number of rows are determined, I run the following to populate each cell: 对于整个上下文,一旦确定了正确的行数,我将运行以下命令来填充每个单元格:

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("vendorCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! VendorSelectionTableViewCell

    let category = categoryData[index!]
    let categoryType = category.category

    let vendorEntry = vendorData[indexPath.row]

    if vendorEntry.category == categoryType {

        cell.vendorName.text = vendorEntry.name

    } else {
         cell.vendorName.text = "No Value"


    return cell

Swift arrays start to count from 0, not from 1. If you change your code to Swift数组从0开始计数,而不是从1开始计数。如果将代码更改为

for (var i=0; i < vendorData.count; i++) {
    if vendorData[i].category == categoryType {
        count = count + 1

you should be fine. 你应该没事的。 I'm not sure why it worked in the playground, though. 我不确定为什么它可以在操场上工作。 Maybe your vendorData was empty. 也许您的vendorData为空。

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