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[英]How can I concatenate the following in Yii2?

I have the following on my view file which I need to display as an image. 我的视图文件上有以下内容,需要将其显示为图像。

<img src="<?php echo PATH; ?>web/images/ad_image/<?php echo $ads['ads_id']; ?>.png " width="790" height="100" />

My PATH is Yii::$app->request->baseUrl . 我的PATHYii::$app->request->baseUrl This does not work so I thought of using Yii alias @web and Html helpers like this: 这行不通,所以我想到了使用Yii别名@web和HTML帮助器,如下所示:

    echo Html::img('@web/images/ad_image'.$ads['ads_id'].'.png', ['width' => 790, 'height' => 100]); ?>

That does not work too so I tried this and my image still does not show: 那也行不通,所以我尝试了一下,但是我的图像仍然没有显示:

    $bf_ad = $ads['ads_id'];
    echo Html::img('@web/images/ad_image'.$bf_ad.'.png', ['width' => 790, 'height' => 100]);

What is the way to display this when I am loading from an array $ads which I get by foreach (Yii::$app->params['ads_details'] as $ads) { ? 当我从通过foreach (Yii::$app->params['ads_details'] as $ads) {获得的数组$ads foreach (Yii::$app->params['ads_details'] as $ads) {加载时,如何显示此内容?

Try 尝试

$bf_ad = $ads['ads_id'];
echo Html::img(Yii::getAlias('@web').'/images/as_image/'.$bf_ad.'.png', ['width' => 790, 'height' => 100]);


echo Html::img(Yii::getAlias('@web').'/images/ad_image/'.$ads['ads_id'].'.png', ['width' => 790, 'height' => 100]);

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