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[英]How do I make an Excel Pie chart, with slices each a % fill for another metric?

I am trying to make a pie chart with market breakdown, and then my companies role in each market. 我试图制作一个包含市场细​​分的饼图​​,然后我的公司在每个市场中扮演角色。 So the market has buckets with percentages for each slice, and I want to shade or sub divide each slice accordingly to what my company owns. 因此,市场上有每个部分的百分比存储桶,我想根据我公司所拥有的内容对每个部分进行阴影处理或细分。

Thanks so much for any help. 非常感谢您的帮助。 A picture is included. 包含图片。 这是我想要的结果(在右上方)

If I understand correctly, you're after the total amount of your share in the market. 如果我理解正确,那么您正在争夺市场份额的全部。 For instance, economics is 4.8% of the Market Enrollment, and you have 1% of that, so you have 1% of 4.8% of the Market Enrollment in Economics. 例如,经济学占市场准入的4.8%,而您拥有1%,因此您拥有经济学市场准入的4.8%的1%。 ie. 即。 Market Enrollment * My Share = 0.048% 市场人数*我的份额= 0.048%

In that case you just want to use the formula =B1*C1 , sort on that column in descending order, then use your regular pi graph. 在这种情况下,您只想使用公式=B1*C1 ,以降序在该列上排序,然后使用常规pi图。

Engl    12.8%   55.0%   7.0400%
US      11.7%   5.0%    0.5850%
Lit     10.0%   11.0%   1.1000%
Calc    10.3%   22.0%   2.2660%
Govt    6.8%    3.0%    0.2040%
Psych   6.6%    12.0%   0.7920%
World   6.2%    44.0%   2.7280%
Bio     5.4%    55.0%   2.9700%
Stats   4.7%    7.0%    0.3290%
Chem    3.8%    54.0%   2.0520%
Geo     3.4%    3.0%    0.1020%
Spanish 3.4%    11.0%   0.3740%
Env     3.3%    50.0%   1.6500%
Phys    4.1%    38.0%   1.5580%
Euro    2.8%    2.0%    0.0560%
Econ    4.8%    1.0%    0.0480%


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