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[英]How do I make a burn down chart in Excel?

I have several books I want to finish reading by a certain date. 我有几本书想在某个日期之前完成阅读。 I'd like to track my progress completing these books, so I decided to try making a simple burn down chart. 我想跟踪我完成这些书的进度,所以我决定尝试制作一个简单的烧毁图表。 The chart should be able to tell me at a glance whether I'm on track to completing my books by the target date. 该图表应该能够一目了然地告诉我,我是否按计划在目标日期之前完成了我的书。

I decided to try using Excel 2007 to create a graph showing the burn down. 我决定尝试使用Excel 2007创建一个显示燃尽图。 But I'm having some difficulty getting the graphs to work well, so I figured I could ask. 但是我很难使图形正常工作,所以我想问一下。

I have the following cells for the target date and pages read, showing when I started (today) and when the target date is (early November): 我有以下目标日期和读取的单元格,显示了我何时开始(今天)和何时目标日期(11月初):

Date         Pages remaining
7/19/2009    7350
11/3/2009    0

And here's how I plan to fill in my actual data. 这就是我计划填写我的实际数据的方式。 Additional rows will be added at my leisure: 我会在空闲时添加其他行:

Date            Pages remaining
7/19/2009       7350
7/21/2009       7300
7/22/2009       7100
7/29/2009       7070

I can use Excel to get either of these bits of data onto a single line graph. 我可以使用Excel将这些数据中的任何一个都放到单个折线图中。 I'm just having difficulty combining them. 我只是很难合并它们。

I want to get both sets of data on the same chart, with Pages on the Y axis and Date on X axis. 我想在同一张图表上获得两组数据,Y轴上的Pages,X轴上的Date。 With such a graph, I could easily see my actual read velocity relative to target read velocity, and determine how well on track I am toward my goal. 有了这样的图表,我可以轻松地看到相对于目标读取速度的实际读取速度,并可以确定我在目标上的跟踪情况。

I have tried several things, but none of the help documentation seems to point me in the right direction. 我已经尝试了几件事,但是帮助文档似乎都没有指出正确的方向。 I get the feeling this might be a bit easier if all my data was in 1 big block of data points rather than in 2 separate blocks of data. 我觉得如果我所有的数据都放在一个大数据点块而不是两个单独的数据块中,这可能会容易一些。 But since I only have 2 data points for the target data (start and finish), I can't imagine I should need to make up fake data to fill the holes. 但由于我只目标数据(起点和终点),2个数据点,我无法想象我需要补假数据来填补漏洞。

The question... 问题...

How can I put these two sets of data into a single chart? 如何将这两套数据放在一个图表中?

Alternatively, 或者,

What's a better way to plot my progress toward a goal over time? 有什么更好的方法来规划我随着时间的推移实现目标的进度?

Thank you for your answers! 谢谢您的回答! They definitely led me on the right track. 他们肯定带领我走上了正确的道路。 But none of them completely got me everything I wanted, so here's what I actually ended up doing. 但是没有一个人能完全得到我想要的一切,所以这实际上是我最终要做的。

The key piece of information I was missing was that I needed to put the data together in one big block, but I could still leave empty cells in it. 我缺少的关键信息是我需要将数据放在一个大块中,但是我仍然可以在其中保留空白单元格。 Something like this: 像这样:

  Date         Actual remaining     Desired remaining
7/13/2009            7350                 7350
7/15/2009            7100
7/21/2009            7150
7/23/2009            6600
7/27/2009            6550
8/8/2009             6525
8/16/2009            6200
11/3/2009                                  0

Now I have something Excel is a little better at charting. 现在我有了一些Excel可以更好地绘制图表的功能。 So long as I set the chart options to "Show empty cells as: Connect data points with line," it ends up looking pretty nice. 只要将图表选项设置为“将空白单元格显示为:用线连接数据点”,它最终看起来就很不错了。 Using the above test data: 使用以上测试数据:


Then I just needed my update macro to insert new rows above the last one to fill in new data whenever I want. 然后,我只需要我的update宏在最后一行的上方插入新行即可随时填充新数据。 My macro looks something like this: 我的宏看起来像这样:

' Find the last cell on the left going down.  This will be the last cell 
' in the "Date" column
Dim left As Range
Set left = Range("A1").End(xlDown)

' Move two columns to the right and select so we have the 3 final cells, 
' including "Date", "Actual remaining", and "Desired remaining"
Dim bottom As Range
Set bottom = Range(left.Cells(1), left.Offset(0, 2))

' Insert a new blank row, and then move up to account for it
bottom.Insert (xlShiftDown)
Set bottom = bottom.Offset(-1)

' We are now sitting on some blank cells very close to the end of the data,
' and are ready to paste in new values for the date and new pages remaining

' (I do this by grabbing some other cells and doing a PasteSpecial into bottom)

Improvement suggestions on that macro are welcome. 欢迎对该宏提出改进建议。 I just fiddled with it until it worked. 我只是摆弄它直到它起作用。

Now I have a pretty chart and I can nerd out all I want with my nerdy books for nerds. 现在我有一张漂亮的图表,我可以用我的书呆子书呆子把所有想要的书呆子。

No macros required. 不需要宏。 Data as below, two columns, dates don't need to be in order. 如下数据,两列,日期不需要按顺序排列。 Select range, convert to a Table (Ctrl+T). 选择范围,转换为表格(Ctrl + T)。 When data is added to the table, a chart based on the table will automatically include the added data. 将数据添加到表中时,基于该表的图表将自动包含添加的数据。

Select table, insert a line chart. 选择表格,插入一个折线图。 Right click chart, choose Select Data, click on Blank and Hidden Cells button, choose Interpolate option. 右键单击图表,选择“选择数据”,单击“空白和隐藏单元格”按钮,选择“插值”选项。


But why would you use excel when you could do it all online and have your boss check your dynamic link. 但是,当您可以在线完成所有工作并让老板检查您的动态链接时,为什么还要使用excel?

We are using this new tool since last week. 自上周以来,我们一直在使用此新工具。 http://www.burndown-charts.com/ http://www.burndown-charts.com/

What I do is I send my boss the link to my chart and he plays around with the links to see if we will be on time... 我要做的是,将老板的链接发送给我的图表,他在链接中闲逛,看看我们是否准时到达...

http://www.burndown-charts.com/teams/dreamteam/sprints/prototype-x http://www.burndown-charts.com/teams/dreamteam/sprints/prototype-x

Why not graph the percentage complete. 为什么不绘制完成百分比图。 If you include the last date as a 100% complete value you can force the chart to show the linear trend as well as the actual data. 如果将最后一个日期作为100%完整值包括在内,则可以强制图表显示线性趋势以及实际数据。 This should give you a reasonable idea of whether you are above or below the line. 这应该使您对位于线上方还是线下方有一个合理的了解。

I would include a screenshot but not enough rep. 我会附上屏幕截图,但代表人数不足。 Here is a link to one I prepared earlier. 这是我之前准备的链接。 Burn Down Chart. 烧毁图表。

Say your data set is in Columns A and B of the first sheet. 假设您的数据集在第一张工作表的A列和B列中。

  1. On Insert ribbon, pick chart type as "Line with Markers" 在“插入”功能区上,将图表类型选择为“与标记一致”
  2. Right-click on chart, "Select Data...". 右键单击图表“选择数据...”。 Select your data in columns without column labels, so your data range would be something like =Sheet1!$A$2:$B$5 . 没有列标签的列中选择数据,因此数据范围将类似于=Sheet1!$A$2:$B$5
  3. Profit! 利润! I mean you're done :-) You might want to change 'Series1' label Excel generates with an actual book name, you can do so in the above "Select Data" dialog. 我的意思是,您已经完成了:-)您可能想用实际的书名更改Excel生成的“ Series1”标签,您可以在上面的“选择数据”对话框中进行更改。

You can do this with multiple books too - as long as their "pages remaining" data points are tracked on the same dates (eg Book2 data would be in Column C , etc...) Books will be represented by additional series. 您也可以对多本书籍执行此操作-只要在同一日期跟踪其“剩余页数”数据点(例如Book2数据将在C列中,依此类推...),书籍将由其他系列表示。

I recently published some Excel templates for Scrum, the Product Backlog includes a Release Burndown and the Sprint Backlog includes a Sprint Burndown. 我最近发布了一些Scrum的Excel模板,产品待办事项列表包含发行版燃尽图,而Sprint待办事项列表包含Sprint燃尽图。

Get them here: http://www.phdesign.com.au/general/excel-templates-for-scrum-product-and-sprint-backlogs 在此处获取它们: http : //www.phdesign.com.au/general/excel-templates-for-scrum-product-and-sprint-backlogs


Excel Sprint燃尽图


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