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如何使用LinkedIn API查找其他用户资料

[英]How can I find a different user profile using the LinkedIn API

What I want to do is use the LinkedIn API to access a arbitrary user profile, get the image (if there is a public one) and use that image. 我要做的是使用LinkedIn API访问任意用户个人资料,获取图片(如果有公开图片)并使用该图片。 If a user is authenticated, I can get their image using: 如果用户通过了身份验证,我可以使用以下方法获取其图像:


But I cannot figure out what to replace the tilda ( ~ ) with to find an arbitrary user (ie using an email address). 但是我不知道用什么替换tilda( ~ )来找到一个任意用户(即使用电子邮件地址)。 If I simply put in the email address, it won't find the user. 如果我只是输入电子邮件地址,它将找不到用户。

Is it possible to get info from an arbitrary user profile (assuming that it is public)? 是否可以从任意用户个人资料中获取信息(假设它是公开的)?

Thanks, Scott 谢谢,斯科特

It is not possible getting an arbitrary user informations by using LinkedIn API. 使用LinkedIn API不可能获得任意的用户信息。 The user must authenticate the application by his or her username and password. 用户必须通过其用户名和密码来验证应用程序。

However, this answer gives a working example how to access a profile by url. 但是, 此答案给出了一个有效的示例,说明如何通过url访问配置文件。 I suppose that adding picture-url will work. 我想添加picture-url将起作用。

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