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[英]XtraReport not showing any data

I have followed the instructions from this documentation link . 我已按照本文档链接中的说明进行操作。 The xtrareport shows the box toolbar but it doesnot shows any data. xtrareport显示框工具栏,但不显示任何数据。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

In my HomeController.cs 在我的HomeController.cs中

 public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to DevExpress Extensions for ASP.NET MVC!";
            ViewData["Report"] = new DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1();

            return View();

       public ActionResult DocumentViewerPartial() 
        ViewData["Report"] = new DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1();
        return PartialView("DocumentViewerPartial");

        public ActionResult ExportDocumentViewer()
            return DevExpress.Web.Mvc.DocumentViewerExtension.ExportTo(new DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1());

DocumentViewerPartial.cs DocumentViewerPartial.cs

**@Html.DevExpress().DocumentViewer(settings =>
    settings.Name = "DocumentViewer";
    settings.Report = (DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1)ViewData["Reports"];

    settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "DocumentViewerPartial" };
    settings.ExportRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "ExportDocumentViewer" };

And Index.cshtml 和Index.cshtml

    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";



尝试通过使用ViewData["Report"]更改DocumentViewerPartial.cs ViewData["Reports"] ViewData["Report"]

In XtraReport1 how do you write? 在XtraReport1中,您如何编写? it would be great if you provide your code XtraReport1 or provide us with a simple demonstrating with case. 如果您提供代码XtraReport1或为我们提供一个简单的案例演示,那将是很好的。 I saw in your Controller, if you write that, it will get data 3rd: ViewData["Report"] = new DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1(); 我在您的Controller中看到,如果您编写该代码,它将获得第3个数据:ViewData [“ Report”] = new DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1();

  1. The first in Index () 索引中的第一个()
  2. The second in DocumentViewerPartial() DocumentViewerPartial()中的第二个
  3. The third in ExportDocumentViewer() ExportDocumentViewer()中的第三个

Ready you only need get data 1st, you can write: 准备就绪,您只需要获取数据1,就可以编写:

public ActionResult Index()
        ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to DevExpress Extensions for ASP.NET MVC!";
        return View();

   public ActionResult DocumentViewerPartial() 
    Session["Report"] = new DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1();
    return PartialView("DocumentViewerPartial");

    public ActionResult ExportDocumentViewer()
        return DevExpress.Web.Mvc.DocumentViewerExtension.ExportTo(Session["Report"] as XtraReport1());

And in DocumentViewerPartial.cs you edit: 然后在DocumentViewerPartial.cs中进行编辑:

@Html.DevExpress().DocumentViewer(settings =>{
settings.Name = "DocumentViewer";
settings.Report = (DXApplication.Reports.XtraReport1)Session["Reports"];

settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "DocumentViewerPartial" };
settings.ExportRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "ExportDocumentViewer" };}).GetHtml()

Then final in file Index.cshtml you call: 然后最终在文件Index.cshtml中调用:


Please perform the corresponding modifications and let me know your results. 请执行相应的修改,并让我知道您的结果。

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