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[英]Hovering not working with Javascript, CSS and HTML

I am new to JS, HTML and CSS development and I tried to develop a hovering function for my webpage. 我是JS,HTML和CSS开发的新手,因此尝试为我的网页开发一个悬停功能。 However, I am facing the problem that nothing is being displayed when hovering over the links and the divs created for the specific hovering textboxes are appearing on the page even if not hovering. 但是,我面临的问题是,将鼠标悬停在链接上时,什么都不会显示,即使没有悬停,为特定悬停文本框创建的div也会显示在页面上。

I used The code fragments below to reach this. 我使用下面的代码片段来达到此目的。 First I have some CSS (this should be generic, so I can use it for different hover divs). 首先,我有一些CSS(应该是通用的,因此可以将其用于不同的悬停div)。 I am not sure, if I wrote everything correctly. 我不确定我是否正确编写了所有内容。 Secondly, I have a JS code for the hovering function. 其次,我有一个用于悬停功能的JS代码。 Then you see the divs I created for the different hover textboxes. 然后,您会看到我为不同的悬停文本框创建的div。 These divs appear on the webpage even if not hovering. 即使没有悬停,这些div也会显示在网页上。 Do I need further if statements to indicate that these should only be displayed when hovering. 我是否需要进一步的if语句来指示仅在悬停时才显示这些语句。 Lastly, I added the link I use. 最后,我添加了我使用的链接。 Maybe someone could also tell me how I can bring away the blue part of the link, but this is currently only a minor problem. 也许有人也可以告诉我如何取消链接的蓝色部分,但这目前只是一个小问题。

First the CSS code: Could you tell me the error I am doing here probably? 首先是CSS代码:您能告诉我我在这里可能发生的错误吗? I want this code to be generic as well. 我也希望此代码也通用。 So every hover textbox should have this "style". 因此,每个悬停文本框都应具有此“样式”。

div#trigger {
    display: none;
    position: absolute;
    width: 280px;
    padding: 10px;
    background: #eeeeee;
    color: #000000;
    border: 1px solid #1a1a1a;
    font-size: 90%;

Second, the JS code. 第二,JS代码。 Am I doing something wrong in here? 我在这里做错什么了吗?

<!-- Java Script for Hovering -->
  $(".trigger").hover(function(e) {
      var elemToShow = $(this).data("target");
      $("#" + elemToShow).show();
  }, function() {
      var elemToShow = $(this).data("target");
      $("#" + elemToShow).show();
  }).mousemove(function(e) {
      var elemToShow = $(this).data("target");
      $("#" + elemToShow).css('top', e.pageY + moveDown).css('left', e.pageX + moveLeft);

And lastly, the divs for the specific hover textboxes. 最后,特定悬停文本框的div。 How can I prevent that these divs are being displayed also when the hovering is not active? 当悬停未激活时,如何防止显示这些div?

<!-- Purpose: Hover Popup -->
  <div class="trigger" target "purpose">

   <!-- Scope: Hover Popup -->
  <div class="trigger" target "scope">

Links where I call the hover:` 我称之为悬停的链接:

<a class="trigger" data-target="purpose"> Purpose:</a> Why do we want to innovate?

<a class="trigger" data-target="scope"> Scope:</a> Who are we innovating for?

Thanks a lot for your answers. 非常感谢你的回答。

Daniel 丹尼尔

In your CSS, you have div#trigger which is an ID but in your JS and HTML trigger is a class .trigger , maybe this is why : 在CSS中,您有div#trigger这是一个ID,但是在您的JS和HTML触发器中是一个类.trigger ,也许这是为什么:

the specific hovering textboxes are appearing on the page even if not hovering. 即使没有悬停,页面上仍会显示特定的悬停文本框。

Try changing div#trigger to div.trigger in your CSS 尝试在CSS div.trigger div#trigger更改为div.trigger

check this https://jsfiddle.net/pps1sd32/ 检查这个https://jsfiddle.net/pps1sd32/

 $(".trigger").hover(function(e) {        
      var elemToShow = $(this).attr("data-target");          
      $("#" + elemToShow).show();
  }, function() {
      var elemToShow = $(this).attr("data-target");
      $("#" + elemToShow).hide();
  }).mousemove(function(e) {
      var elemToShow = $(this).data("data-target");
      //$("#" + elemToShow).css('top', e.pageY + moveDown).css('left', e.pageX + moveLeft);

Things which gone wrong in your code 您的代码出了点问题

here you show element by its id taken from data attribute of <a> tag 在这里,您通过从<a>标签的data属性获取的id显示元素

 $("#" + elemToShow).show(); 

but in your dom there is no id attributes that's why your div not showing 但是在您的dom中没有id属性,这就是为什么您的div不显示

 <div class="trigger" target "purpose"> // Id is missing here to make this div visible 

   <!-- Scope: Hover Popup -->
  <div class="trigger" target "scope">// Id is missing here to make this div visible 

If you want to show you div next to pointer than get pointer position and put these positions in your div's style 如果要在指针旁边显示div而不是获取指针位置并将这些位置设置为div的样式

 var left  = e.clientX  + "px";
         var top  = e.clientY  + "px";
      $("#" + elemToShow).show().css({position:'absolute',top:top,left:left}).show();

Here the fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/pps1sd32/2/ 这里的小提琴https://jsfiddle.net/pps1sd32/2/

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