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CSS Sprites是否可以在页面的HTML中运行,但不能在Javascript中运行?

[英]CSS Sprites are working in the HTML of the page, but not in Javascript?

CSS Sprites are working in the HTML of the page, but not in Javascript? CSS Sprites是否可以在页面的HTML中运行,但不能在Javascript中运行?

I am trying to install http://www.spyka.net/scripts/javascript/easy-social-bookmarks and add CSS Sprites to minimise the server calls. 我正在尝试安装http://www.spyka.net/scripts/javascript/easy-social-bookmarks并添加CSS Sprite,以最大程度地减少服务器调用。

I created the style sheet like this: 我创建了这样的样式表:

<style type="text/css">
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-image: url(img_socialsprites.jpg);
background-position: 0 0;

This code works in the HTML of the page like this: 此代码可在页面的HTML中使用,如下所示:

<div class=i_blinklist></div>

When I add it to the javascript like this, it doesn't work: 当我将其添加到javascript中时,它不起作用:

sites[0] = new Array('http://blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&Url={url}', 'Blinklist',  '<div class=i_blinklist></div>');

Here is the main workings of the script which may also affect it: 这是可能还会影响脚本的主要脚本工作:

function swgbookmarks()
    for(i = 0; i < sites.length; i++)
        var g = sites[i];
        var u = g[0];
        u = u.replace('{url}', escape(window.location.href));
        u = u.replace('{title}', escape(window.document.title));
        var img = (imagepath == '0') ? '' : '<img src="'+g[2]+'" alt="'+g[1]+'" />&nbsp; ';
        var k = '<a href="'+u+'">'+img+g[1]+'</a>&nbsp;';

Any ideas or help is very much appreciated. 非常感谢任何想法或帮助。

Thank you. 谢谢。


I've been playing around with this, and finally got it working :o) 我一直在玩这个,最后让它工作:o)

Here are the changes I have made. 这是我所做的更改。

The social bookmark and image JS code: 社交书签和图片JS代码:

sites[0] = new Array('http://blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&Url={url}', 'Blinklist',  'socialsprite social blinklist');

Here is the JS code from the base of the script: 这是脚本基础中的JS代码:

function swgbookmarks()
    for(i = 0; i < sites.length; i++)
        var g = sites[i];
        var u = g[0];
        u = u.replace('{url}', escape(window.location.href));
        u = u.replace('{title}', escape(window.document.title));
        var img = (imagepath == '0') ? '' : '<img src="transparent1x1.gif" class="'+g[2]+'" alt="'+g[1]+'" />&nbsp; ';
        var k = '<a href="'+u+'">'+img+g[1]+'</a>&nbsp;';

Here is the CSS Style Sheet code: 这是CSS样式表代码:

<style type="text/css">
.socialsprite {background:url(img_socialsprites.jpg);}
    .social {height:22px;}
    .social {width:22px;}

        /* Social Images */
.blinklist {background-position:0px 0px;}
.blogmarks {background-position:0px -22px;}

This seems to be working. 这似乎正在工作。

I now have this working. 我现在有这个工作。

See main post Update at the bottom. 请参阅底部的主要帖子更新。

I wrote the update there, as the site wouldn't let me post my own answer for several hours, and I didn't want to waste anyone's time. 我在那里写了更新,因为该网站不允许我几个小时发布自己的答案,而且我不想浪费任何人的时间。

Thank you for the constructive comments, they helped a lot. 感谢您的建设性意见,他们提供了很多帮助。

Take a look at the generated HTML. 看一下生成的HTML。 It looks like your missing some quotes around the class name: 好像您在类名周围缺少一些引号:

sites[0] = new Array('http://blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&Url={url}', 'Blinklist',  '<div class=i_blinklist></div>');

Should be 应该

sites[0] = new Array('http://blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&Url={url}', 'Blinklist',  '<div class="i_blinklist"></div>');

** EDIT ** Also, log variable "k" to the console " console.log(k) " and validate the html. ** 编辑 **另外,将变量“ k”记录到控制台“ console.log(k) ”并验证html。 It generates the below, which is also incorrect. 它生成以下内容,这也是不正确的。 Notice your img src equals a div and not an actual path: 请注意,您的img src等于div而不是实际路径:

<a href="http://blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&Url=http%3A//fiddle.jshell.net/_display/"><img src="<div class="i_blinklist"></div>" alt="Blinklist" />&nbsp; Blinklist</a>&nbsp; 

From what I can tell, you should be using something like: 据我所知,您应该使用类似:

 var k = '<a href="'+u+'">'+img+g[1]+'</a>&nbsp;';

With generates: 随着生成:

<a href="..."><div class="i_blinklist"></div>&nbsp; Blinklist</a>&nbsp;

One last note is that you should be using a span and not a div inside your anchor tag. 最后一点是,您应该在锚标记中使用跨度而不是div Again, this is not valid HTML. 同样,这不是有效的HTML。 See https://stackoverflow.com/a/1828032/1220302 for more information. 有关更多信息,请参见https://stackoverflow.com/a/1828032/1220302

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