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[英]Texturing a tree in blender

I have created a tree in blender with the curve sapling add-on. 我用曲线树苗附加组件在搅拌器中创建了一棵树。 Then I have converted the log's curve in a mesh and I have combined that with the leaves mesh. 然后,我将原木的曲线转换为网格,并将其与叶子网格合并。 I have tried to create a normal UV map, but bleander crashes 'cause too many vertices. 我试图创建一个普通的UV贴图,但是bleander崩溃会导致过多的顶点。 So I need to create an uv map, where I draw the log texture and ONE texure for all the leaves. 因此,我需要创建一个uv贴图,在其中绘制所有叶子的原木纹理和一个纹理。 How can I create it? 如何创建它? Thank you and sorry for my bad English 谢谢,抱歉我的英语不好

Are your trunk and leaves merged into a single mesh? 您的树干和树叶是否合并为一个网格? If that is the case it will be tough to texture. 如果是这样,质地将很难。

You might want to look into using a hair particle system to distribute a single leaf model or group of leaves onto your trunk model. 您可能想研究使用毛发粒子系统将单个叶子模型或一组叶子分布到树干模型上。 That way you can create just one leaf and texture that, or a small set of leaves, and the particle system will take care of the distribution on the tree trunk for you based on weight painting the vertices you want to distribute leaves to. 这样,您可以只创建一个叶子和一个或一组叶子的纹理,并且粒子系统将根据权重绘制要分发叶子的顶点,来为您处理树干上的分发。 I've been using hair particle systems a lot lately for doing large distributions of sets of objects. 最近,我一直在使用头发粒子系统来处理大量对象。 Haven't used it for leaves on a tree yet, but it works well for making a set of trees into a forest, or a set of buildings into a city scape, so I think it would work for what you need on the trees. 还没有将其用于树上的叶子,但是它非常适合将一组树木变成森林,或者将一组建筑物变成城市景观,因此我认为它可以满足您对树木的需求。

What I did when I made a fir was to create a tree with three levels and max sized leaves (about 6-10 of them per twig). 当我制作冷杉时,我要做的是创建一棵具有三个等级和最大尺寸的叶子的树(每个树枝大约有6-10个叶子)。 I then used a twig texture with alphachannel as a texture for the leaves. 然后,我使用带有alphachannel的树枝纹理作为叶子的纹理。 Using some additional Translucency gave very decent results for semi-near and midrange trees. 使用一些附加的半透明效果可以使半近距离和中距离的树木获得非常不错的效果。

Additionally, a subsurf of level 3 and displacement with a cloud texture gives some additional depth to the leaf-twigs. 此外,级别3的子曲面和具有云纹理的位移为叶枝增加了一些深度。

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