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[英]running python function with arguments from cmd.exe

I have Python function that takes 1 arguments 我有带1个参数的Python函数

def build_ibs(Nthreads,LibCfg):  # Nthreads is int,LibCfg as string
      import os  # module os must be imported
      import subprocess
      import sys

I use following in cmd.exe(on Win7) to call it 我在cmd.exe(在Win7上)中使用以下命令来调用它

C:>cd C:\SVN\Python Code
C:\SVN\Python Code>C:\Python27\python.exe build_libs(4,'Release') 

that throws error 引发错误
在此处输入图片说明 using following 使用以下

 C:>cd C:\SVN\Python Code
 C:\SVN\Python Code>C:\Python27\python.exe 4 'Release' # dosn't work
 C:\SVN\Python Code>C:\Python27\python.exe 4 Release   # dosn't work

does nothing, and no error is displayed even. 什么也不做,甚至不会显示任何错误。

What is the correct way to call it both in cmd.exe or even Python shell command line? 在cmd.exe甚至Python Shell命令行中调用它的正确方法是什么?
Thanks 谢谢

sedy 塞迪

You can't just call a function from the command line - it must be inside a file. 您不能只从命令行调用函数-它必须在文件内部。 When you type python filename.py at the command line, what it does is feed the contents of filename.py into the Python interpreter with the namespace set to __main__ . 在命令行中输入python filename.py时,其作用是将filename.py的内容输入到名称空间设置为__main__的Python解释器中。

So when you type Python.exe 4 'Release' it tries to find a file named 4 . 因此,当您键入Python.exe 4 'Release'它将尝试查找名为4的文件。 Since this file does not exist, Windows returns an Errno 2 - File not found. 由于此文件不存在,Windows将返回Errno 2-找不到文件。

Instead, put your code into a file - lets say test.py : 相反,将您的代码放入文件中-假设test.py

test.py : test.py

def build_libs(Nthreads,LibCfg):  # Nthreads is int,LibCfg as string
      import os  # module os must be imported
      import subprocess
      import sys
      # ...

if __name__=='__main__':
    numthreads = sys.argv[1] # first argument to script - 4
    libconfig = sys.argv[2] # second argument
    # call build_libs however you planned
    build_libs(numthreads, libconfig)

Then run from the command line: C:\\Python27\\python.exe test.py 4 Release In the directory that test.py is saved in. 然后从命令行运行: C:\\Python27\\python.exe test.py 4 Release在保存test.py的目录中。

Update: If you need to use build_libs in multiple files, it's best to define it in a module, and then import it. 更新:如果需要在多个文件中使用build_libs ,最好在模块中定义它,然后将其导入。 For example: 例如:

mod_libs/__init__.py - empty file mod_libs / __ init__.py-空文件

mod_libs/core.py : mod_libs / core.py

def build_libs(...):
    # function definition goes here

test.py : test.py

import sys
import mod_libs
if __name__ == '__main__':
    mod_libs.build_libs(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
  1. If you want to use Python code as in your first attempt, you need to start the Python interpreter. 如果您想在第一次尝试中使用Python代码,则需要启动Python解释器。
  2. If you want to call a Python function from your OS's command line as in your second attempt, you need to use the proper modules (like sys.argv or argparse ). 如果您想像第二次尝试那样从操作系统的命令行调用Python函数,则需要使用适当的模块(例如sys.argvargparse )。

For example: 例如:

C:\SVN\Python Code> py
Python 3.4.2 (v3.4.2:ab2c023a9432, Oct  6 2014, 22:16:31) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import build_libs
>>> build_libs.build_libs(4, 'Release')

Or, in your build_libs.py , import the sys module at the top of the script, and then run the function based on its arguments at the end of the script: 或者,在build_libs.py ,在脚本顶部导入sys模块,然后在脚本末尾基于其参数运行该函数:

import sys


print(build_libs(int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2]))

Then at your OS's command line: 然后在您的操作系统的命令行中:

C:\SVN\Python Code> py build_libs 4 Release

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