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[英]Python for merging multiple files from a directory into one single file

I need a single file with many columns(=number of files in the directory), from multiple file in the directory.. Each files has unique IDs which will not change for all files and so I need to merge these files based on that id. 我需要一个包含多列(=目录中文件数)的文件,来自目录中的多个文件。每个文件都有唯一的ID,不会对所有文件都更改,因此我需要根据该ID合并这些文件。

For example, file_1 looks like this 例如,file_1看起来像这样

id      pool1
ABL1    1352
ABL12   1236
ABL13   1022
ABL14   815
ABL15   1591
ABL16   2703

And so as the other files the first column is same for all other files in the directory and second columns are different. 因此,与其他文件一样,目录中的所有其他文件的第一列相同,而第二列则不同。

I am looking for a output which looks something like this, 我正在寻找看起来像这样的输出,

 id /pool1  /pool2  /pool3  /pool4  /pool5
ABL1    1352    1353    1354    1355    1356
ABL12   1236    1237    1238    1239    1240
ABL13   1022    1023    1024    1025    1026
ABL14   815      816    817      818    819
ABL15   1591    1592    1593    1594    1595
ABL16   2703    2704    2705    2706    2707
ABL17   1449    1450    1451    1452    1453
ABL18   619     620     621      622    623
ABL19   1074    1075    1076    1077    1078

So far I was trying to achieve it in python via following scripts, 到目前为止,我一直在尝试通过以下脚本在python中实现该目标,

path = '/Pool1' 
files = os.listdir(path)

files_txt  = [i for i in files if i.endswith('.txt_samplecount')]
files_merge= i for i in files_txt if i.merge(i,on="id") 

But it throws error as
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'merge'

Any help or suggestions are welcome 欢迎任何帮助或建议

Thank you 谢谢

I found a solution , 我找到了解决方案,

 path = '/Pool1' 
files = os.listdir(path)

files_txt  = [os.path.join(path,i) for i in files if i.endswith('.txt_samplecount')]

## Change it into dataframe
dfs = [pd.DataFrame.from_csv(x, sep='\t') for x in files_txt]
##Concatenate it
merged = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)

And this gives a output with each columns concatenate to the single file. 这样就给出了输出,每一列都连接到单个文件。 Thanks for suggestions all 谢谢所有的建议

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