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QML-实现C ++ ListModel的最佳方法

[英]QML - best way to implement C++ ListModel

Currently i have a ListModel defined in QML with many different Fields in each ListElement. 目前,我在QML中定义了一个ListModel,每个ListElement中都有许多不同的字段。 The delegate react in different ways based on the "myType" value. 委托基于“ myType”值以不同的方式做出反应。

ListView {
        id: createLocalGameViewList
        anchors.fill: parent
        model: ListModel {
            id: createLocalGameViewModel
            ListElement {
                myId: "comboBox_NumberOfPlayers"
                myTitle: qsTr("Number of players")
                myType: "ComboBox"
                myValuesList: [
                    ListElement { value: "10" },
                    ListElement { value: "9" },
                    ListElement { value: "8" },
                    ListElement { value: "7" },
                    ListElement { value: "6" },
                    ListElement { value: "5" },
                    ListElement { value: "4" },
                    ListElement { value: "3" },
                    ListElement { value: "2" }
                myValueIsIndex: false
                myValue: ""
            ListElement {
                myId: "spinBox_StartCash"
                myTitle: qsTr("Start cash")
                myType: "SpinBox"
                myMaxValue: "1000000"
                myMinValue: "1000"
                myPrefix: "$"
                myValue: ""
            ListElement {
                myId: "spinBox_StartBlind"
                myTitle: qsTr("Start blind")
                myType: "SpinBox"
                myMaxValue: "20000"
                myMinValue: "5"
                myPrefix: "$"
                myValue: ""
            ListElement {
                myId: "selector_BlindsRaiseInterval"
                myTitle: qsTr("Blinds raise interval")
                myType: "BlindsRaiseInterval"
                myRaiseOnHandsType: "" //if false it is raise on minutes type
                myRaiseOnHandsInterval: ""
                myRaiseOnMinutesInterval: ""
            ListElement {
                myId: "selector_BlindsRaiseMode"
                myTitle: qsTr("Blinds raise mode")
                myType: "BlindsRaiseMode"
                myAlwaysDoubleBlinds: "" //if false it is "Manual Blinds Order"
                myManualBlindsList: []
                myAfterMBAlwaysDoubleBlinds: ""
                myAfterMBAlwaysRaiseAbout: ""
                myAfterMBAlwaysRaiseValue: ""
                myAfterMBStayAtLastBlind: ""
            ListElement {
                myId: "comboBox_GameSpeed"
                myTitle: qsTr("Game speed")
                myType: "ComboBox"
                myValuesList: [
                    ListElement { value: "11" },
                    ListElement { value: "10" },
                    ListElement { value: "9" },
                    ListElement { value: "8" },
                    ListElement { value: "7" },
                    ListElement { value: "6" },
                    ListElement { value: "5" },
                    ListElement { value: "4" },
                    ListElement { value: "3" },
                    ListElement { value: "2" },
                    ListElement { value: "1" }
                myValue: ""
                myValueIsIndex: false

When the ListView Component is completed i read some config values from a C++ class called "Config". 当ListView组件完成时,我从名为“ Config”的C ++类中读取了一些配置值。

            Component.onCompleted: {
                //set Config Values from config file
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(0, "myValue", Config.readConfigIntString("NumberOfPlayers"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(1, "myValue", Config.readConfigIntString("StartCash"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(2, "myValue", Config.readConfigIntString("FirstSmallBlind"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(3, "myRaiseOnHandsType", Config.readConfigIntString("RaiseBlindsAtHands"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(3, "myRaiseOnHandsInterval", Config.readConfigIntString("RaiseSmallBlindEveryHands"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(3, "myRaiseOnMinutesInterval", Config.readConfigIntString("RaiseSmallBlindEveryMinutes"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(4, "myAlwaysDoubleBlinds", Config.readConfigIntString("AlwaysDoubleBlinds"));

                var tempList = Config.readConfigIntStringList("ManualBlindsList");
                for(var i=0; i < tempList.length; i++) {
                    createLocalGameViewModel.get(4).myManualBlindsList.append({"blindValue": tempList[i].toString()})

                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(4, "myAfterMBAlwaysDoubleBlinds", Config.readConfigIntString("AfterMBAlwaysDoubleBlinds"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(4, "myAfterMBAlwaysRaiseAbout", Config.readConfigIntString("AfterMBAlwaysRaiseAbout"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(4, "myAfterMBAlwaysRaiseValue", Config.readConfigIntString("AfterMBAlwaysRaiseValue"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(4, "myAfterMBStayAtLastBlind", Config.readConfigIntString("AfterMBStayAtLastBlind"));
                createLocalGameViewModel.setProperty(5, "myValue", Config.readConfigIntString("GameSpeed"));

When the listView is finished i need to pass the edited data to C++. 当listView完成时,我需要将编辑后的数据传递给C ++。 So i realized it is not the best way to build the Model in QML. 因此,我意识到这不是在QML中构建模型的最佳方法。 So i'am plan to create the model in C++ but i never did this before. 所以我打算用C ++创建模型,但我以前从未做过。 So my question is: Which kind of model structure would be the best for this usecase, but is not too complex to setup? 所以我的问题是:哪种模型结构最适合该用例,但设置起来并不复杂?

Or is there another not too ugly way to put the data from the QML model to c++ context? 还是有另一种不太丑陋的方法将数据从QML模型放入c ++上下文?

A good way to create powerful data models in Qt is to use QAbstractItemModel ( http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractitemmodel.html ) I'm creating a Qt/QML addons lib you can base on : https://github.com/ThomArmax/QtArmax 在Qt中创建功能强大的数据模型的一种好方法是使用QAbstractItemModelhttp://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractitemmodel.html )我正在创建一个Qt / QML插件库,您可以基于: https: //github.com/ThomArmax/QtArmax

See https://github.com/ThomArmax/QtArmax/tree/develop/src/core/datamodels for more implementation informations 请参阅https://github.com/ThomArmax/QtArmax/tree/develop/src/core/datamodels了解更多实施信息

Seems like a using a QQmlListProperty as described in http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-cppintegration-exposecppattributes.html#properties-with-object-list-types would be a good fit for your model. http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-cppintegration-exposecppattributes.html#properties-with-object-list-types中所述的那样使用QQmlListProperty似乎很适合您的模型。

And if you happen to still be on Qt 4.8, a QList of your own QObject-derived class would probably work too. 而且,如果您碰巧仍然在Qt 4.8上,那么您自己的QObject派生类的QList也可能会起作用。 More information about this could be found in: http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qdeclarativemodels.html#c-data-models . 有关此问题的更多信息,请参见: http : //doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qdeclarativemodels.html#c-data-models

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