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[英]Load image from URL - Java

I am trying to load an image from a url in the handelResponse of my ASYNC Task that makes a GET request, and in handelResponse I have this 我正在尝试从发出GET请求的ASYNC任务的handelResponse中的URL加载图像,并且在handelResponse我有这个

 InputStream is = (InputStream) new URL(homeScreenPicUrl).getContent();
 b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);

But my ASYNC Task seems to have a problem with this as I get W/System.err﹕ android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException how could I load the image in the hadelResponse , ideally I want to load it syncronously as I want to wait for it to load before moving to the next screen. 但是我的ASYNC任务似乎与此有问题,因为我得到W/System.err﹕ android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException我该如何将图像加载到hadelResponse ,理想情况下我想同步加载它,因为我想等待它请先加载,然后再转到下一个屏幕。

And since this is all happening on the splash screen I am just waiting for the pic before moving to the main page. 而且由于这都是在初始屏幕上发生的,所以我只是在等待图片,然后再转到主页。

Thanks 谢谢

This is because InputStream is just a handler: when you read() from it (which is what BitmapFactory does) you are in fact fetching data from the network, and Android forbids it because you are slowing the system. 这是因为InputStream只是一个处理程序:当您从中read()BitmapFactory所做的事情)时,实际上是从网络中获取数据,而Android则禁止这样做,因为这会降低系统速度。

Either you decode the stream in the background thread and change the return type of the AsyncTask to Bitmap , or you store the content of the stream in a byte[] and use that byte[] to build the image in the UI thread. 您要么在后台线程中解码流,然后将AsyncTask的返回类型更改为Bitmap ,要么将流的内容存储在byte[]然后使用该byte[]在UI线程中构建图像。 Both solution are equivalent because you are consuming the stream in the background thread and store its content in memory. 这两种解决方案是等效的,因为您正在后台线程中使用流并将其内容存储在内存中。

public byte[] consume(InputStream in) throws Exception {
  ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
  int read = -1;
  while ((read = in.read(buffer)) > 0) {
    out.write(buffer, 0, read);
  return out.toByteArray();

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