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具有可索引元数据的Cloud Files API

[英]Cloud Files API with Indexable Meta Data

I would like to use a cloud file system that supports adding meta-data that is searchable. 我想使用支持添加可搜索的元数据的云文件系统。 I want to use this meta-data to store keys from my application to associate the document. 我想使用此元数据存储我的应用程序中的密钥以关联文档。

Eg 例如


Meta Data:

I would then like to use a API to search (v.fast) documents by Person-Id or Group-Id. 然后,我想使用API​​通过Person-Id或Group-Id搜索(快速)文档。 I understand that I could create this table mapping myself (in mysql within the app) but is there a cloud files solution (google drive, rackspace, amazon) that supports this use case already? 我了解我可以自己创建此表映射(在应用程序中的mysql中),但是是否已经有支持此用例的云文件解决方案(Google驱动器,Rackspace,Amazon)?

Thanks 谢谢

You can make use of the Directory API of Google to insert data onto the Google Drive which is hosted on cloud. 您可以利用Google的Directory API将数据插入到托管在云中的Google云端硬盘。

Send a POST request like this: 发送这样的POST请求:

POST https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/groups/groupKey/members

The require parameters include the groupKey which Identifies the group in the API request. require参数包括groupKey ,它标识API请求中的组。 The value can be the group's email address, group alias, or the unique group ID. 该值可以是组的电子邮件地址,组别名或唯一的组ID。

You can directly try this with this official documentation . 您可以直接使用此官方文档进行尝试。

For inserting a single member visit this official documentation . 要插入单个成员,请访问此官方文档

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