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Visual Studio 2015扩展方法调用方法组

[英]Visual Studio 2015 extension method call as method group

I have an extension method like 我有一个类似的扩展方法

public static void RemoveDetail<TMaster, TChild>(this TMaster master, TChild child)
        where TMaster : class, IMaster<TChild>
        where TChild : class, IDetail<TMaster>;

And I have two classes 我有两节课

public class Principal : IMaster<Permission>
        public virtual IEnumerable<Permission> Permissions { get; }


public class Permission : IDetail<Principal>

I call RemoveDetail from an Action accepted by method public static void Foreach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> action); 我从方法public static void Foreach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> action);接受的Action中调用RemoveDetail public static void Foreach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> action); :

aPrincipal.Permissions.Foreach(x => aPrincipal.RemoveDetail(x));

ReSharper suggest me to replace this call with method group like ReSharper建议我用方法组替换这个调用


This worked fine in VS2013 and previous but it fails on compilation in VS2015 with 这在VS2013和之前的版本中运行良好但在VS2015中编译失败了

'Principal' does not contain a definition for 'RemoveDetail' and no extension method 'RemoveDetail' accepting a first argument of type 'Principal' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 'Principal'不包含'RemoveDetail'的定义,并且没有扩展方法'RemoveDetail'可以找到接受类型'Principal'的第一个参数(你是否缺少using指令或汇编引用?)

Anyone has a suggestion? 有人有建议吗? Do I have to update all of the usages and make ReSharper to avoid this replacement? 我是否必须更新所有用法并使ReSharper避免这种替换?

I was able to reproduce your problem 我能够重现你的问题

public interface IDetail<T>


public interface IMaster<T>


public class MyClass
    public void method()
        Principal aPrincipal = new Principal();
        aPrincipal.Permissions.Foreach(x => aPrincipal.RemoveDetail(x)); // No suggestion from resharper

public class Permission : IDetail<Principal>


public class Principal : IMaster<Permission>
    public virtual IEnumerable<Permission> Permissions { get; }

public static class Class
    public static void RemoveDetail<TMaster, TChild>(this TMaster master, TChild child)
        where TMaster : class, IMaster<TChild>
        where TChild : class, IDetail<TMaster>


    public static void Foreach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> action)


The resharper does not suggest anything. resharper没有提出任何建议。 so probably you have to update your Resharper to newer version. 所以可能你必须将你的Resharper更新到更新的版本。 probably was a bug which is fixed now. 可能是一个现在修复的错误。

If this is not like the way you do. 如果这不像你那样做。 then you have to put more information. 那么你必须提供更多信息。

Also Compiler gives same error when i try to convert it to method group. 当我尝试将其转换为方法组时,编译器也会出现相同的错误。 So this question may remain: Why Compiler cant do this? 所以这个问题可能仍然存在: 为什么编译器不能这样做?

Edit: 编辑:

To fix this problem you have to call the RemoveDetail method from inside Principal. 要解决此问题,您必须从Principal内部调用RemoveDetail方法。 so make your Principal class like this. 所以让你的校长班这样。

public class Principal : IMaster<Permission>
    public virtual IEnumerable<Permission> Permissions { get; }

    public void RemoveDetail(Permission p)
        Class.RemoveDetail(this, p);

I think there is kind of ambiguous inside compiler (Possibly bug) that cant recognize RemoveDetail method. 我认为有一种模糊的内部编译器(可能是bug)无法识别RemoveDetail方法。 how ever compiler tries to find it inside Principal . 编译器如何尝试在Principal找到它。 so you can fix it with creating RemoveDetail inside Principal and call a static RemoveDetail from there. 所以你可以RemoveDetailPrincipal创建RemoveDetail并从那里调用静态RemoveDetail来修复它。

Edit 2: 编辑2:

The problem is generic type constraint. 问题是泛型类型约束。

where TMaster : class, IMaster<TChild>

This makes compiler to look at class which implements IMaster<TChild> and thats Principal . 这使得编译器可以查看实现IMaster<TChild>IMaster<TChild> Principal if you remove this where clause it will solve the problem. 如果你删除这个where子句,它将解决问题。 otherwise the compiler expects that it should be Principal . 否则编译器期望它应该是Principal

If you use lambda you remove this ambiguity. 如果你使用lambda,你可以消除这种歧义。

aPrincipal.RemoveDetail // compiler expects property/field/method in Principal
                        // but compiler forgets method group and static generic method!
x => aPrincipal.RemoveDetail(x) // this is no more like property or field
                                //but a method that is considered static generic method!

So thats a C#6 bug 这就是C#6的错误

I gave a feedback on this subject to Microsoft on September the 3rd 2015 here: 我在2015年9月3日向Microsoft提供了有关此主题的反馈:
https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1747835/visual-studio-2015-extension-method-call-as-method-group https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1747835/visual-studio-2015-extension-method-call-as-method-group

Today I got this feedback from Neal [MSFT]: 今天我收到了Neal [MSFT]的反馈:

This is fixed in VS2015 Update 1. 这已在VS2015 Update 1中修复。
It is tracked here: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4970 它在这里被跟踪: https//github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4970

I don't see how it worked in VS2013. 我不知道它在VS2013中是如何工作的。 RemoveDetail is a method of TMethod not your Action MyClass . RemoveDetailRemoveDetail的一种方法, TMethod不是你的Action MyClass

It should be something like 应该是这样的

z.ForEach(x => master.RemoveDetail(x);

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