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如何更新旧 Rails 项目上的 ruby​​ 版本

[英]How update the ruby version on a old rails project

I have a rails 3 app that was made with 2.0.0-p0 ruby.我有一个用 2.0.0-p0 ruby​​ 制作的 rails 3 应用程序。

Now i would like to update just the ruby to 2.2.2现在我只想将 ruby​​ 更新到 2.2.2

I changed already the local and global ruby on rbenv to 2.2.2.我已经将 rbenv 上的本地和全局 ruby​​ 更改为 2.2.2。

There is a way or i have to keep using the 2.0.0-p0 on this app?有没有办法或者我必须继续在这个应用程序上使用 2.0.0-p0?

You have switched to another version of Ruby and you are probably using a different gemset (probably an empty one).您已切换到另一个版本的 Ruby,并且您可能正在使用不同的 gemset(可能是空的)。 Try running:尝试运行:

bundle install

Note that after switching to a newer version of Ruby, some of your old code might not be compatible, ie need debugging.请注意,切换到较新版本的 Ruby 后,您的某些旧代码可能不兼容,即需要调试。

Hope this help!希望这有帮助!


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