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如何在同一台机器但不同的项目上使用两个 ruby,rails 版本?

[英]How to use two ruby,rails version on same machine but different project?

Right now I have a project demo on my Desktop with versions现在我的Desktop上有一个带有版本的project demo


and I want to create an another project new on my Desktop with versions我想在我的Desktop上创建另一个带有版本的project new


and currently, I have this rbenv version目前,我有这个rbenv版本

rbenv version
2.6.3 (set by /home/akshit/.rbenv/version)

Can you share the commands on how to create project new without affecting my project demo ?您能否分享有关如何在不影响我的project demo的情况下创建project new的命令?

Using rbenv do this:使用 rbenv 这样做:

  • create project new project new
  • open a terminal inside root folder在根文件夹中打开一个终端
  • write rbenv install 3.1.1 and then rbenv local 3.1.1 so for this project it will use the specified versionrbenv install 3.1.1然后rbenv local 3.1.1所以对于这个项目它将使用指定的版本

I suggest you to create a .ruby-version file where you set the project's ruby version, in this case 3.1.1我建议您创建一个.ruby-version文件,您可以在其中设置项目的 ruby 版本,在本例中为 3.1.1


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