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[英]What is the proper way to see rails application's web site statistics?


You can use 您可以使用

Segment.io Segment.io

Segment.io's integrations with Mixpanel, Klaviyo, Google Analytics, and many others. Segment.io与Mixpanel,Klaviyo,Google Analytics等的集成。 reference url 参考网址

Google Analytics 谷歌分析

Mixpanel Mixpanel

KISSMetrics KISSMetrics

ahoy 趣多多

from awesome-ruby 来自红宝石

Analytical - Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app. Analytical-用于在Rails应用程序中管理多个分析服务的Gem。

FnordMetric - A ruby/redis framework for collecting and visualizing timeseries data. FnordMetric-用于收集和可视化时间序列数据的ruby / redis框架。 It enables you to build beautiful real-time analytics dashboards within minutes. 它使您能够在几分钟内构建漂亮的实时分析仪表板。

Gabba - Simple way to send server-side notifications to Google Analytics. Gabba-将服务器端通知发送到Google Analytics(分析)的简单方法。

Impressionist - Rails Plugin that tracks impressions and page views. 印象派-跟踪印象和页面浏览量的Rails插件。

Legato - Model analytics reports and queries against the official Google Analytics Reporting API. Legato-根据官方的Google Analytics(分析)Reporting API对分析报告和查询进行建模。

Rack::Tracker - Rack middleware that can be hooked up to multiple services and exposing them in a unified fashion. Rack :: Tracker-机架中间件,可以将其连接到多个服务并以统一的方式公开它们。

Staccato - Track analytics into the official Google Analytics Collection API. Staccato-将分析跟踪到正式的Google Analytics Collection API。

Other gems list 其他宝石清单

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