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[英]How to remove elements of a list containing specific patten with python?

Given a list of strings给定一个字符串列表

listA=['a', 'b', 'a@b=c', 'a @ b = c', 'a@ =b', 'a@=b' 'a=b@c', 'a@b' ]
                   ^         ^

we want elements marked in "^" removed, and get我们希望删除标记在“^”中的元素,并得到

ListB=['a', 'b', 'a@ =b', 'a@=b' 'a=b@c', 'a@b']

Here we removed all elements containing '@', followed by some character, then followed by '=', but ignored "@=" or '@ ='这里我们删除了所有包含 '@' 的元素,后跟一些字符,然后是 '=',但忽略了“@=”或 '@='

How to do such regex matching for a python list?如何对 python 列表进行这样的正则表达式匹配?


I know if we know specific index of a elements to delete, we can use numpy.delete(list, index) to delete it.我知道如果我们知道要删除的元素的特定索引,我们可以使用 numpy.delete(list, index) 来删除它。 But it is not true in this case.但在这种情况下并非如此。

Using the expression @\\s*\\S\\s*= and re.search() we can filter this list down:使用表达式@\\s*\\S\\s*=re.search()我们可以过滤这个列表:

import re
listB = [str for str in listA if re.search(r'@\s*\S\s*=', str) is None]

print listB
# ['a', 'b', 'a@ =b', 'a@=ba=b@c', 'a@b']

Regex searches in python can be done with the re module; Python 中的正则表达式搜索可以通过re模块完成; specifically, re.search('@\\w=', my_string) will not be None if my_string contains an @ and a = separated by a member of \\w , ie a word character (alphanumerics and _ ).具体来说, re.search('@\\w=', my_string)如果my_string包含一个@和一个=\\w的成员分隔,即一个单词字符(字母数字和_re.search('@\\w=', my_string)则不会是None

I've expanded this to include cases where there's whitespace too, using \\s .我已经使用\\s扩展了它以包括也有空格\\s

import re

listA = ['a', 'b', 'a@b=c', 'a @ b = c', 'a@ =b', 'a@=b' 'a=b@c', 'a@b' ]
listB = [a for a in listA if not re.search('@\s*\w+\s*=', a)]

Update: solution above now using \\w+ to match multiple word characters instead of just one.更新:上面的解决方案现在使用\\w+来匹配多个单词字符而不是一个。

import re
listA = ['a', 'b', 'a@b=c', 'a @ b = c', 'a@ =b', 'a@=b' 'a=b@c', 'a@b' ]
print [x for x in listA if not re.search(r'@\s*[a-zA-Z]\s*=', x)]

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