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[英]How to deal with SSRS reports on mobile phones

I have few SSRS reports (with charts, gauges etc) deployed to the server and they all work fine but not so well when viewed as well worked upon on cell phones/tablets. 我几乎没有将SSRS报告(带有图表,仪表等)部署到服务器,并且它们都可以正常工作,但是在手机/平板电脑上查看起来效果不佳时,效果并不理想。 The users find difficult to choose the report parameters, selecting from drop downs and also presentation of data through charts, gauges etc. 用户发现难以选择报告参数,从下拉菜单中进行选择以及通过图表,仪表等显示数据。

I am thinking to modify the SSRS report for cell phones but not sure how to progress. 我正在考虑修改手机的SSRS报告,但不确定如何进行。 I have searched and started reading some blogs but thought of asking suggestions of experts here who may already dealt this. 我已经搜索并开始阅读一些博客,但想到这里的专家提出的建议可能已经解决了。

I have sample RDL files (deployed to the report server) that I can post here but they are any other typical SSRS Reports with various parameters, charts, gauges etc. 我有示例RDL文件(已部署到报表服务器),可以在此处发布,但它们是具有各种参数,图表,量规等的任何其他典型SSRS报表。

Many thanks. 非常感谢。

Please share your thoughts. 请分享您的想法。

Looking for an solution for the same problem, I have found this answer . 寻找相同问题的解决方案,我找到了这个答案 I have applied it ant it worked! 我已将其应用到它的工作!

My context is: I'm using the ReportViewer Webform component: Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91 我的上下文是:我正在使用ReportViewer Webform组件:Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms,版本=,文化=中性,PublicKeyToken = 89845dcd8080cc91

It tested in Androind Asus Zenphone 2. Using the default browser and Chrome. 它在Androind Asus Zenphone 2中进行了测试。使用默认浏览器和Chrome。 It worked at desktop chrome too. 它也适用于桌面chrome。

The code change: 代码更改:

Replace: 更换:

 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 

with the following tag: 具有以下标记:

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 

Are the reports being delivered using Report Manager, SharePoint or a ReportViewer control in a web page? 是否使用网页中的报表管理器,SharePoint或ReportViewer控件交付报表?

You're using SQL Server 2008 R2, so the only supported browsers are Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari and although it doesn't explicitly state it this almost certainly refers to the desktop versions of these browsers so there's no guarantee that mobile versions will work the same way. 您使用的是SQL Server 2008 R2,因此唯一受支持的浏览器是Internet Explorer,Firefox和Safari,尽管未明确说明,但几乎可以肯定是指这些浏览器的桌面版本,因此无法保证移动版本会正常工作以同样的方式。

So the SSRS technology you are using is not designed with modern day mobile devices in mind. 因此,您正在使用的SSRS技术并非为现代移动设备而设计。 That said you can still try to make this work: You need to ensure the users are using either Firefox (on Android) or Safari (on iOS). 也就是说,您仍然可以尝试执行此操作:您需要确保用户正在使用Firefox(在Android上)或Safari(在iOS上)。 Note that Chrome (or related browsers) are not supported at all. 请注意,根本不支持Chrome(或相关浏览器)。 You need to consider how the report security is going to work (eg only Basic authentication is supported with Safari). 您需要考虑报告安全性将如何工作(例如Safari仅支持基本身份验证)。

In terms of layout and report components, you'll have to do some trial and error testing to see what works - and remember it may not work on all devices. 在布局和报告组件方面,您必须进行一些试错测试才能看到有效的方法,并记住它可能不适用于所有设备。 You might want to consider providing links to render the reports as PDF files, which have much better support on most devices. 您可能需要考虑提供链接以将报告呈现为PDF文件,这在大多数设备上都具有更好的支持。 There is a great blog post by Adam Aspin on some layout techniques for reports on mobile devices here: https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/reporting-services/mobile-bi-with-sql-server-reporting-services/ 亚当·阿斯平(Adam Aspin)撰写了一篇很棒的博客文章,其中介绍了一些有关移动设备上报告的布局技术: https : //www.simple-talk.com/sql/reporting-services/mobile-bi-with-sql-server-reporting-服务/

Generally though, if you're trying to design a solution for mobile devices you really want to consider an upgrade to a more recent version of SQL Server which has support for more browsers (including Chrome) and security options. 但是,通常,如果您要为移动设备设计解决方案,则确实要考虑升级到SQL Server的最新版本,该版本支持更多浏览器(包括Chrome)和安全选项。

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