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[英]Comparing tow large files line by line

I was wondering if there is any efficient way to compare 2 large files line by line. 我想知道是否有任何有效的方法逐行比较2个大文件。

File 1 文件1


File 2 文件2

2 | haha
3 | hoho
4 | hehe

I am just taking the first character of each file and comparing against them. 我只是将每个文件的第一个字符与它们进行比较。 Currently i am using a very naive method of iterating through them in a double for loop. 目前,我正在使用一种非常幼稚的方法在double for循环中迭代它们。

Like 喜欢

For i in file 1: 
    line number = 0
    For j in file 2: 
        loop until line number == counter else add 1 to line number 
        Compare line 1 
    increase counter 

Reading both files into memory is not an option. 不能将两个文件都读到内存中。 I am using python on linux but i am open to both bash solutions and python script solutions 我在Linux上使用python但我对bash解决方案和python脚本解决方案都持开放态度

What about something like this: 像这样的事情呢:

diff <(cut -c 1 file1.txt) <(cut -c 1 file2.txt)

diff is the tool you use to compare files' lines. diff是用于比较文件行的工具。 You can use process substitution (anonymous pipe) to compare a version of each file only containing the first character (using cut ). 您可以使用进程替换 (匿名管道)来比较每个仅包含第一个字符的文件的版本(使用cut )。

You could zip the two files and iterate them together. 您可以压缩两个文件并将它们迭代在一起。

f1 = open('File 1')
f2 = open('File 2')

flag = True 

for file1_line, file2_line in zip(f1, f2):
  if file1_line[0] != file2_line[0]:
    flag = False


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