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Ninject 映射到泛型类型

[英]Ninject mapping to generic type

I have a bunch of events which are processed by event handlers such as the following:我有一堆由事件处理程序处理的事件,例如:

Event Handler:事件处理程序:

public class DeliveryEventHandlers :

readonly IDocumentSession _documentSession;

public DeliveryEventHandlers(IDocumentSession documentSession)
    _documentSession = documentSession;

public void Consume(DeliveryCreated @event)

public void Consume(DeliveryUpdated @event)


public class DeliveryCreated : IEvent
    public Guid DeliveryId { get; set; }

public class DeliveryUpdated : IEvent
    public Guid DeliveryId { get; set; }

And I need to write a Ninject binding that will on request of an Event type, give me the Event handler(s) that consume those events.我需要编写一个 Ninject 绑定,它将根据事件类型的请求,为我提供使用这些事件的事件处理程序。 This is what I have come up with:这是我想出的:

public void BindEventHandlers(IContext context) {
        Kernel.Bind(x =>
            .BindWith(new EventBindingGenerator());

    public class EventBindingGenerator : IBindingGenerator
        public IEnumerable<IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax<object>> CreateBindings(Type type, IBindingRoot bindingRoot)
            yield return bindingRoot.Bind(x =>
                // This Part ^

but this will not actually compile - I have hit a snag on the line above the comment: // This Part ^但这实际上不会编译 - 我在评论上方的行上遇到了障碍://这部分^

I need to do a query for:我需要查询:


and recieive a DeliveryCreatedEventHandler.并接收 DeliveryCreatedEventHandler。

Any help would be muchos appreciated!!任何帮助将不胜感激!

Thanks, H谢谢,H

This can actually be solved quite easily with the conventions extension functionality:这实际上可以通过约定扩展功能很容易地解决:

kernel.Bind(x => x.FromAssemblyContaining(typeof(DeliveryCreated))
    .IncludingNonePublicTypes() // may not be needed in your case

the following test succeeds (syntax is from FluentAssertions ):以下测试成功(语法来自FluentAssertions ):


Alternatively, if you want to make sure you don't want to bind the IConsume<...> implementations to more types than necessary, you can replace the BindAllInterfaces statement as follows:或者,如果您想确保不想将IConsume<...>实现绑定到更多类型,您可以按如下方式替换BindAllInterfaces语句:

private static IEnumerable<Type> SelectConsumeInterfacesOnly(
    Type type, IEnumerable<Type> baseTypes)
    var matchingTypes = baseTypes.Where(t => 
         && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (IConsume<>));
    return matchingTypes;

kernel.Bind(x => x.FromThisAssembly()

Again, I've verified that it actually works.再次,我已经验证它确实有效。

You can manually scan the assembly and register all classes that implement the IConsumer<> interface.您可以手动扫描程序集并注册所有实现IConsumer<>接口的类。 Like this:像这样:

foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes().Where(x => x.IsClass))
    foreach (
        var @interface in
                .Where(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IConsume<>)))

If you know that there will be a single consumer of the event, use the following:如果您知道该事件将只有一个使用者,请使用以下命令:

var single_consumer = kernel.Get<IConsume<DeliveryCreated>>();

In case that there can be multiple consumers, use the following to obtain all of them:如果可以有多个消费者,请使用以下方法获取所有消费者:

var all_consumers = kernel.GetAll<IConsume<DeliveryCreated>>();

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