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[英]How to scan for all implementations of a generic type with Ninject

We are using the domain events pattern and leaning on our IoC container to locate handlers for a particular type of event: 我们使用域事件模式并依靠我们的Io​​C容器来定位特定类型事件的处理程序:

public interface IHandleEvent<TEvent> where TEvent : IEvent
    void Handle(TEvent evnt);

With StructureMap we can scan and register all types implementing the above interface like so: 使用StructureMap,我们可以扫描并注册实现上述接口的所有类型,如下所示:

Scan(cfg =>

Is there an equivalent with Ninject? 是否与Ninject相当?

Currently I'm having to bind each handler individually like so: 目前我必须单独绑定每个处理程序,如下所示:


The Ninject Conventions Extensions package did exactly what I need. Ninject Conventions Extensions包完全符合我的需要。 The working code is below: 工作代码如下:

kernel.Bind(x => x

Try Ninject Conventions Extensions . 试试Ninject Conventions Extensions It provides a configuration by convention for Ninject. 它按照惯例为Ninject提供配置。 There is quite good documentation in wiki. 在wiki中有很好的文档。

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