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[英]How to split a String on the basis of comma

I am having a String which is a combination of comma and space now to want to get specific elements in a order How i can do that ,I am posting the String我有一个字符串,它是逗号和空格的组合,现在想要按顺序获取特定元素我该怎么做,我正在发布字符串

12:00am, 2:30am3:30am, 5:00am7:45pm,9:00pm

This is the String i am trying to split the String using这是我尝试使用的字符串拆分字符串

List<String> interviewTimingToFrom1 = Arrays.asList(interviewTime1.split(","));

But this is not working ,i just want to split 12:00am,3:30am,7:45pm in a List and 2:30am,5:00am,9:00am in a list how to do that ,please somebody help但这不起作用,我只想在列表中拆分 12:00am、3:30am、7:45pm 和列表中的 2:30am、5:00am、9:00am 如何做到这一点,请有人帮忙

You can use this regex:您可以使用此正则表达式:

List<String> interviewTimingToFrom1 = Arrays.asList(

RegEx Demo正则表达式演示

RegEx Breakup正则表达式分解

Split using:拆分使用:

\s*,\s*          # comma surrounded by optional spaces on either sides
|                # regex alternation
(?<=[ap]m)(?=\d) # when preceding text is am or pm and following character is a digit

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